Accountancy & Management

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology will be lecturing / practice, with recourse to existing materials (table, overhead projector, etc..,), Supported with theoretical texts and case studies to resolve


Learning Results

The accounting and management occupy a privileged place in corporate management. In a market economy based on trade, firms are the basic cells of all economic activity. Economic development and enhancement of activities increasingly complex, requiring the study of the process of business management.



Introductory concepts

Characterization of companies

Understanding the concept of accounting

Aims and Purposes

The assets of companies

Definition and classification of the assets

The changes in equity

The facts sheets

The heritage and life of the company

The Balance

The notion of balance

The Income Statement

The finance function in business

The tasks of the finance function

The concept of financial management

Working capital and balance short-term financial

The cash budget

The needs for working capital

The fundamental relationship of treasury

The method of ratios, a technique based management

Types ratios

The definition of some ratios

The basis of comparison of the ratios

The use of ratios

The limitations of ratios

The concept and types of return

The return on sales

The breakeven point of sales or critical point

The cash flow


The added value


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodical Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 100.0%




Almeida, Rui e outros – O Novo Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC) explicado – ATF edições técnicas;

Borges, António e outros – Elementos de Contabilidade Geral – Rei dos Livros ;

Brealey, Richard A. e outro – Princípios de Finanças Empresariais – Mcgraw-Hill;

Breia, Arménio Fernandes e outros – Análise Económica e Financeira – Rei dos Livros;

Caiado, António Pires Caiado – Contabilidade de Gestão – Vislis Editores;

Carrilho, José Manuel e outro – Elementos de Análise Financeira – Publisher Team;

Conso, Pierre – A Gestão Financeira das Empresas – Rés Editora L.da;

Conso, Pierre e outros – Fundo de Maneio e Política Financeira – Edições Lyon;

Fernandes e outros – Análise Financeira – Edições Sílabo;

Ferreira, Rogério Fernandes Ferreira – Gestão Financeira – Editorial Minerva;

Ferreira, Rogério Fernandes – Pensar a Gestão – Fim de Século;

Graça, Fernanda da Conceição – Análise Financeira e Fluxos – Vislis Editores;

Hanglin, Francis Peter – O Cash – Flow