Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
This curricular unit (UC) will take place under tutorial guidance (classroom sessions and e-learning). Its’ final
purpose consists on elaborating an action-research project about Play and Early Motor Development.
Workshops will be held under the form seminars, individual and group reflection sessions, where the master
students will present scientific articles’ abstracts, case studies, and their action-research project.
The evaluation process will operate in accordance with Coimbra’s School of Education regulations. Master
students evaluation will consist of work presentations in tutorial sessions / e-learning (40%) and through the
development of an empirical Action Research Project: problem identification and formulation and study design
Learning Results
1. Develop the capacity and interest by action research and by scientific and applied knowledge independently
2. Know the different cyclic process phases intrinsic to the action-research methodology.
1. Diagnose a problem based on themes covered in the seminars to be held in the first semester
2. Build an action plan to respond to the study problematic
3. Implement the action plan in a real context
4. Develop a critical reflection as an essential requirement for follow UC achievement – Action Research Project
1. Epistemological aspects of Play and Early Motor Development
2. Action-Research Methodology
3. Research methods in action research
4. Action research project
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - The evaluation process will operate in accordance with Coimbra’s School of Education regulations. Master students evaluation will consist of work presentations in tutorial sessions / e-learning (40%) and through the development of an empirical Action Research Project: problem identification and formulation and study design (60%). - 100.0%
– Almeida, J. & Pinto, J. (1995). A Investigação nas Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Presença.
– Barbier, R. (1996). La recherche action. Paris: Economica.
– Capul, M. & Lemay, M. (2003). Da Educação à Intervenção Social. Porto: Porto Editora.
– Esteves, A. (1987). A investigação-acção. in Silva, A. & Pinto, J. (1987). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais.
Porto: Afrontamento.
– Hess, R. (1983). Sociologia da Intervenção. Porto: Rés.
– Lewin, K. (1951). Field Theory in Social Science . New York: Editions Harper and Row.
– Thiollent, M. (1985). Metodologia da Pesquisa-Acção. São Paulo: Cortez.
Bibliografia específica a definir pelo orientador/tutor, de acordo com os temas dos projectos de