Addiction and Society

Teaching Methodologies

The CU will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model with structured display of the contents and related analysis and discussion or debate. Use an interrogative and interactive methodology prior to the presentation of the main content and concepts, and demonstration/explanation of the same through its practical application in everyday situations and using, where appropriate, the audio-visual media. Will, also include moments of work in small groups, with tutorial support.Students will be evaluated through individual written assignment (50%) and oral presentation (50%) about covered contents that reveals the extent and depth of the theoretical knowledge acquired in the CU; the ability to reflect on that knowledge and identify solutions, alternatives and interventions in Health Education.The assessment can also be
done through a written exam (100%) during times designated for that purpose.

Learning Results

Acquire knowledge about the importance of addictive behaviors and their relationship to health, a neurobiological and social perspective.
Know the main theories of behavioral change and apply them in Programs of Health Education.
Skills to be acquired:
Ability to develop and implement a health education program / health promotion program, integrating the acquired concepts.


– Classification of types of Addictions
– Causes and consequences of adding
– Neurobiology of addition
– Analysis of Social and Urban Phenomena associated with deviant behavior and Risk
– Deviant Behavior, Urban Experiences and Drugs
– Misuse and Substance Abuse Psycho-active – Actions to “Prevent Bag”
– Demystify Concepts
– Psychopathologies Associated with the Addiction- Social Dependencies
– Treatment of Addiction
– Reduction of risks

Grading Methods

Individual written assignment
  • - Individual written assignment - 50.0%
  • - Oral presentation - 50.0%




Ferreira-Borges, C. & Filho, H.C. (coord.) (2004). Usos, abusos e dependências: alcoolismo e toxicodependência. Lisboa: Climepsi

Galhardo, A. & Marques, P. (2004). Descobre outros prazeres. Coimbra: AAC.
Hachet, P. (2005). Estes putos que fumam charros. Coimbra: Quarteto.
Koob, G. F. & Simon, E. J. (2009).The Neurobiology of Addiction: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going. J Drug Issues. Jan; 39(1): 115–132.
Valleur, M.&Matysiak, J-C. (2005).Las nuevas adicciones del siglo XXI: sexo, pasión y videojuegos. Barcelona: Paidós.