Administrative Management of Human Resources

Learning Results

In this subject, we intend for students to get acquainted with the administrative tasks of human resources
management to
become able of performing them in an organizational setting.
The students should become knowledgeable of the labour relations legislation that frame their activity and become
able to
respect those laws and regulations in their work, namely regarding hiring, compensation, health and safety, and
The students will also learn modelling techniques for handling these problems using integer linear programming.
It is intended that the student knows modelling techniques to answer to a large number of problems on work shifts,
software to solve these problems and demonstrate critical and analytical skills to discuss the implementation of the
resulting solutions.


S1. Motivation for the operational management of human resources in the company
S2. Human Resource reporting for state and official entities
S3. The work contract and the integration of new workers
S4. Tax law and Wage processing
S5. Safety and health in the workplace
S6. Work contract termination
S7. Planning crews and teams work force and scales
S8. Rostering
S9. Work shifts integration on the production and cashflows
S10. Human resource Management measures
S11. Information Technology for Human Resource Management

Curricular Unit Teachers




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