Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical explanation of the basic concepts. Group work to carry out protocols relating to practical work carried out in the field or in the engine shed. Execution of practical exercises relating to lighting, environmental conditioning and ventilation of the facilities and the use of AutoCAD software. Support to students in the execution of livestock facility projects. Seminar for the presentation of a subject taught.
Learning Results
1. To know the principles of operation of an agricultural tractor;
2. Have knowledge of the different types of maintenance to perform;
3. Know how to plan the use of tractors and agricultural equipment, rationalizing costs and preserving natural resources and the environment;
4. Know the different types of agricultural facilities;
5. Make calculations related to lighting, environmental conditioning and ventilation of the facilities and budgeting;
6. Develop projects of agricultural facilities, using the AutoCAD software, according to the standards of project development, the factors determining the location and legislation in force.
1. Internal combustion engines, constitution and functioning. Distribution, air and fuel supply, exhaust, cooling and lubrication systems. Transmission systems. Steering, brakes and tyres;
2. Tractor – implement linkage;
3. Power and torque concepts. Engine characteristic curves;
4. Tractor maintenance;
5. General notions of technical drawing;
6. Computer Aided Design;
7. Standards for project preparation;
8. Legislation and regulations;
9. Sizing of lighting, ventilation and environmental conditioning of greenhouses and other agricultural installations;
10. Characteristics, conception and dimensioning of agricultural installations;
11. Classification, description and use of different construction materials.
Curricular Unit Teachers
ATARES, A., BLANCA A. L. (2005). Tractores y Motores Agrícolas. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid
BRIOSA, F. (1984). Glossário ilustrado de mecanização agrícola. Galucho, Sintra, 391 pp
GIACOSA, D. Motores endotérmicos. Ediciones Omega, Barcelona, 852 pp
LLORENS, J. (2013). Infraestructuras e instalaciones agrícolas. Editorial Síntesis
MDADR (2007). Mecanização Agrícola, volume I, Motores e Tratores. DGADR, Lisboa, 271 pp
PEREA, M. S. (2016). instalaciones, maquinaria y equipos agrícolas. Gestión de la producción agrícola. IC Editorial
SILVA, A.; DIAS, J.; SOUSA, L. (2002). Desenho Técnico Moderno. Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lisboa
YAGUE, J. L. F. (1992). Construciones para la Agricultura y la ganaderia, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa