Agricultural Production Framework

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methods used are intended to provide an effective knowledge transmission and a climate of dialogue with and among students that encourages and consolidates the process of teaching and learning. In practical classes is made explaining the basics needed for the development of the syllabus and the acquisition of defined skills. Seeks to student participation in adapting the concepts learned to solve specific situations. The object of study projects are monitored and discussed in the classroom with the active and critical participation of teachers and students

Learning Results

1.   Understand the importance of a business plan and the role of the entrepreneur?
2.   Evaluate the current status of a agricultural and livestock company, previously chosen?
3.   Develop a proposed business plan for the company?
4.   Know the main types of agriculture practiced?
5.   Understand the concepts and the terminology adopted in systems theory?
6.   Know how to use the concept of efficiency of agricultural systems?
7.   Characterize regional and national agricultural systems of particular interest


Module 1 ­
Project business plan for an agricultural company:
Needs and problems of the organization of agricultural labor?
Functions of the farmer?
Characterization of soil and climate, socio­economic and potential of the farming?
Major productions and techniques implemented?
Choke points to production and solutions for their resolution?
Module 2 ­
Systems agriculture:
Main types of farming systems and environment in which they operate?
Bottlenecks to national agricultural production?
Concepts used in systems theory?
Relationship between systems and models?
Efficient functioning of farming systems?
Graphical representations / diagrammatic systems using appropriate symbology?
Characterize in detail a system of agriculture

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Continua
  • - Módulo 2:Elaboração de um trabalho de caracterização de um sistema de agricultura (80%); Desempenho(20%) - 50.0%
  • - Módulo 1:Elaboração de um projecto de plano de exploração de uma empresa(80%); Desempenho (20%) - 50.0%




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Avillez, F.? Estácio F.? Neves, M. – Análise de Projectos Agrícolas no Contexto da Política Agrícola Comum. Lisboa. Banco Pinto e Sotto­Mayor. 1987

Parejo, S., Carbó, C., Rubio, I. – Bases para el diseno de alojamientos e instalaciones ganadera. Barcelona.1988

Ovelheiro, M. – Estudo de Casos de Boas Práticas de Gestão de Explorações Agrícolas. SPI. 2005

Carbó, C. B. – Alojamientos e instalaciones. Madrid, Mundi­Prensa, 1998

Urban, T. P. – Fitotecnia. Madrid. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. 2002

Palmer, R. W. – Dairy Modernization. N. Y., T.D.L.. 2005

Moreira, N. ­ Os Sistemas de Agricultura do Nordeste. Instituto Vila Real. 1984

Grigg, D. ­ The Agricultural Systems of the World. Cambridge. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1978

Spedding, C. ­ Sistemas Agrarios. Zaragoza. Editorial Acribia. 1982