Base Knowledge
Students must possess the knowledge acquired in FM1.
Teaching Methodologies
Because of the theoretician-practical caracter of the curricular unit, expositive and active methodologies will be used in the presentation of the different contents, appealing to the autonomous, collaborative and cooperative work of the students.
The pupils who opt to the continuous assessment will be evaluated as follows:
Chorale – 20,0 %
Harmónico skeleton 5 voices – 20,0 %
Prelude – 20,0 %
Minuetto – 20,0 %
Written work (analysis) – 20,0 %
Assessment by exam:
Written exam – 100,0 %
Learning Results
1. To understand and to use the musical codes
2. To recognize the different historical periods and respective musical production
3. To identify, select and adapt the music repertoire to specific musical groups
4. To conceive vocal and instrumental arangements
MODULE I (Composition Techniques).
1. Four voices harmony.
Strange notes to the harmony.
Duplications and elimination.
Duplications in unison.
Voice Leading
Diatonic sequence
Melodic movements.
Dominant seventh chords.
Modulating resolutions of the dominant seventh chord.
The diminished and the half-diminished seventh chord.
2. Modulation
Diverse techniques of modulating.
Secondary Dominants.
Neapolitan and Augmented Sixth Chords.
Compose for keyboard.
The prelude
Composing preludes on J.S. Bach style.
Composing for string quartet.
Composing minuets for flutes quartet and its performance.
MODULE II (Formal Analysis)
The classic forms
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
ALDWELL, Edward / SCHACHTER, Carl (1989): Harmony and Voice Leading, Orlando,Harcourt Brace Javano Publishersvich
ARLETTAZ, Vincent (1992): Aux Origines De La Musique Contemporaine, Martigny, Forum Musical
BRINDLE, Reginald Smith (1987): The New Music, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2ª Ed.
GRIFFITHS, Paul (1978): A Música Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar Editor
GRIFFITHS, Paul (1995): Enciclopédia da Música do Século XX, São Paulo, Livraria Martins Fontes Editora, Lda.
OLIVEIRA, João Pedro Paiva de (1998): Teoria Analítica da Música do Século XX, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
PERSICHETTI, Vincent (1961): Armonia del Siglo XX, Madrid, Real Musical
PISTON, Walter (1984): Orquestácion, Madrid, Real Musical
REGER, Max (1978): Contribuciones al estudio de la modulación,Madrid, Real Musical
SCHOENBERG, Arnold (1989): Fundamentos de La Composicion Musical, Madrid, Real Musical
SANDRED, Orjan (2022): The Musical Fundamentals of Computer Assisted Composition, Winnipeg, Audiosp. Media
WITTALL, Arnold (2020): Musical Composition in the twentieth century, Oxford University Press.