Anatomophysiology II

Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of:
• Human physiology with integrated Anatomy, Biochemistry and Biophysics.
• Normal functioning of the human body in different age stages.
• Distinction from normal and anomalous function of all organism systems.
• Identification of the physiological processes of the different human systems.
The student must acquire skills:
• Recognition and description of the physiological processes of the various systems.
• Evaluation of normal physiological functioning of the human body in different age stages. The student must acquire competences of:
• Retain and develop knowledge of human physiology.
• Understand and describe the physiological processes of the different human systems.


1. Respiratory system
– Mechanisms of pulmunary ventilation
– Alveolar gas transport
– Gas transport in the blood
2. Immunitary system
– Innate and acquired immunitary responses
– Basic mechanisms of inflammation
3. Urinary system
– Nephron constituents
– Filtration, reabsorption and secretion in the nephron
– Hidro-electrolytic regulation: renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
4. Endocrine system
– Neuro-endocrine continuous
– Tyroid and adrenal glands
– Gónadas
5. Digestive system
– Motor, seretory and absoptive adaptations of the digestive compartments
– Exocrine pancreas
– Liver
6. Endocrine control of the metabolism
– Nutrient transport in the blood
– Endocrine pancreas
– Adipose tissue
– Incretins
– Satiety regulation

Curricular Unit Teachers




Seeley R, Stephens T, Tate P. Anatomy and physiology. 8th edition
– Pocock G, Richards C. Human physiology: the basis of medicine. 3th edition
– Hall J. Guyton & Hall textbook of medical physiology. 12th edition