Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge in the areas of: Biology I, Biology II and Introduction to Biotechnology
Teaching Methodologies
In order to be able to confer the proposed competences, the teaching/learning process is based on:
Theoretical exhibition classes.
Practical classes with skeletal models of animals and bones, organs from slaughterhouses and anatomical models, microscopic observations of matters related to embryology, osteology and histology.
Use of audiovisual media to demonstrate certain physiological mechanisms.
Laboratory classes demonstrating physiological mechanisms.
Learning Results
The curricular unit (UC) comprises of Anatomy, a science that describes the structure of the animal body as a whole, Physiology, which studies the functions of different organic systems and Histology, which consists of the microscopic study of the tissues that make up the organs. These studies are fundamental in the biotechnology program since anatomo-physiological knowledge is essential for students interested in persuing research in the health field. The UC allows the student to understand the structure of normal tissue (macroscopic and microscopic) and some possible pathological changes that can occurs in them.
The main objectives of this UC are as follows:
1. Know the exterior of the animal and the general organization of the animal skeleton compared to the human skeleton
2. Know the location of the different systems and organs present in the animal and human organism – a comparative study (Esplancnologia)
3. Understand the macroscopic and microscopic structures and the functions of the different organs present in the body of an animal.
4. Know the location of the different endocrine glands, their macroscopic and microscopic structures and their functions.
For the purposes of evaluating students, the program contents are organized into 2 modules:
Module 1. (50%)
1. Study of the external structures of the animal and definitions and terms used in anatomy.
2. Skeletal organization of different animal species – comparative study.
3. Anatomical position of the various organic structures of the animal organism and its relationship with bone structure.
4. General indications of histology: structure of animal cells and tissues. Tissue processing for histological studies.
5. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the muscular system.
6. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the circulatory system and lymphatic system.
7. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the respiratory system .
Module 2. (50%)
1. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the urinary system.
2. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the nervous system.
3. Anatomical localization, histology and physiology of endocrine glands.
4. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the digestive system of different animal species.
5. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the male reproductive system.
6. Anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system, mammary gland and lactopoietic function
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Módulo 2: Teste escrito + Prova prática - 50.0%
- - Módulo 1: Teste escrito + Prova prática - 50.0%
- - A avaliação em exame consiste numa prova escrita [50%] e numa prova prática [50%]. - 100.0%
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Margi Sirois (author). Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 7th Edition, Publication 2019. Imprint: Mosby, Elsevier Inc. ISBN: 9780323595407
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Robert Lewis Maynard & Noel Downes (authors). Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Research. Publication 2019, Academic Press publications, Elsevier Inc. ISBN: 978-0-12-811837-5.
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