Animal Production and Health in the Tropics

Learning Results

It is intended to provide the students with necessary elements to understand Animal Production and Health in Tropical Regions, taking into consideration the climatic and ecological conditions as well as the local production systems and the correct use of existing natural resources in the region.


Animal proteins – from livestock and alternative sources (Fish and Insects). Ecological Conditions – Effect of atmospheric conditions and nature of soils. Animal Production Systems in the tropical region and their operation. Type of accommodation. Breeds of animals raised in different tropical regions – Planning and construction of livestock facilities. Animal feed. Animal Breeding – Basics of breeding, selection and breeding. Animal Reproduction / Reproductive Behavior – Reproductive cycle, breeding and Artificial Insemination, Pregnancy and Parturation. Fish Production in the Tropics and diseases affecting fish in lakes and rivers. Insects production as a source of human and animal protein in the tropics. Tropical animal health; Zoonoses and Public Health. Etiological agent and epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Prevention and treatment. Parasitic diseases: protozoa, helminths and arthropods – Their importance for animal production – Prevention and treatment




Blouin, Edmour F. e Jean-Charles Maillard – Impact of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases on Animal Health: 8th Biennial Conference of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine. Ed: Wiley-Blackwell; 1ª ed. 2006 – ISBN-10: 1573316377
EU Guide on Good Hygiene Practices for producers of insect as food and feed. Published 2019.
Gordan, T.A.C., Harding H.R., Clever, F.K., Davidson, I.K, et al., 2018. Fishes in a changing world: learning from the past to promote sustainability of fish populations. Journal of Fish Biology, 92,804 – 827. doi:10.1111/jfb.13546
Hill, D.H. – Cattle and Buffalo Meat Production in the Tropics. Ed: Longman International Education. 1989 – ISBN-10: 0582608953.
Jagdish Prasad Goat, Sheep and Pig Production and Management Paperback – 2017 ISBN-10:9327240758
Smith, A.C. – Poultry (The Tropical Agriculturalist) Ed: Macmillan Educ.Ltd; Revised ed. 2000 – ISBN10:0333791495