Learning Results
To know the problems inherent to the production and processing of food of animal origin; – Know the theoretical foundations of food processing of animal origin, in particular milk and its derivatives and meat products; – Know the process and equipment used in the manufacture of products of animal origin, draw up the respective production diagram, know the aspects related to the quality of the raw material and the finished product and the legislation in force; – Know and perform laboratory analyzes of the raw material and finished product and critically interpret analysis reports, managing to make recommendations on these results; – Apply theoretical and practical knowledge in workshop classes, using the ESAC pilot units.
Dairy technology
Milk production and industrialization;
Milk as raw material in the industry;
Thermal processing of milk (pasteurization, sterilization and ultrapasteurization): microbiological aspects; effects on the physical-chemical properties and nutritional value of milk; qualitative aspects and legislation;
Treatments to the lipid phase of milk: methods of separation and homogenization; cream processing; butter production;
Production of evaporated milk, condensed milk and powdered milk; -Cheese production;
Production of yogurt and fermented milk.
Meat technology
Fundamentals of meat technology: muscle structure and composition; transformation of muscle into meat; ante and post-mortem factors influencing meat quality; nutritional and functional aspects; effect of animal feed on meat quality; microbiological aspects;
Meat preservation processes: refrigeration; freezing; pasteurization; sterilization; dehydration; use of preservative agents;
Processed meat products: raw-cured meat products; cooked meat products; meat emulsions;
Use of meat by-products.
Anon (s.d.) Dairy Handbook. Dairy and Food Engineering. Lund, Sweeden: Alfa Laval AB. Varnan, A., Sutherland, J.P. (1991) Carne y Productos Cárnicos. Zaragoza: Editorial Acribia. Tamime, A.Y., Robinson, R.K. (1995) Yogur: Ciencia y Tecnologia. Zaragoza: Editorial Acribia. Walstra, P., Jenness, R. (1984) Dairy Chemistry and Physics. New York: John Willey. Walstra, P., Geurts, T.J., Noomen, A., Jellema, A., van Boekel, M.A. (2001) Ciencia de la leche y tecnologia de los productos lácteos. Zaragoza: Editorial Acribia. Prandl, O. (1994) Tecnologia y Higiene de la Carne. Zaragoza: Editorial Acribia. Nollet, L.M.L., Toldrá, F. (2009) Handbook of Muscle Food Analysis. Boca Raton: CRC Press.