Animal Reproduction

Teaching Methodologies

Expository methodology is adopted for the presentation of theoretical concepts. Practical classes with organs from the abattoir and models (on matters related to reproductive anatomy subjects), field classes on the breeding management in the ESAC pedagogical units, and laboratorial classes on semen evaluation with report elaboration and discussion will be performed. Videos and slideshows. Literature search, preparation, presentation, and discussion of works on topics of interest, such as on reproductive control of different animal species.

Learning Results

This curricular unit aims to provide students with knowledge of reproductive physiology and reproductive techniques in different animal species, and the acquisition of skills that will enable them to have critical and analytical capacity to intervene in reproductive management, when in professional context. Through expositive methods for theoretical presentation of the themes, and by demonstrative, field in ESAC farm and laboratory practices, the learning outcomes of this curricular unit are:
1. To know female and male sexual behavior.
2. To evaluate different reproductive methods and techniques.
3. To understand the importance of reproductive control.
4. To know reproductive systems in oviparous species


1. Anatomical characteristics of female and male reproductive system in different animal species.
2. Estrous cycles: phases, events, and neuroendocrine regulation.
3. Spermatogenesis: hormonal control and factors affecting it.
4. Fertilization and embryonic development. Maternal recognition of pregnancy; Implantation and placental attachment.
5. Gestation and methods of pregnancy diagnosis.
6. Parturition: physiological mechanism and phases.
7. Puerperium: major events.
8. Estrus detection methods.
9. Estrus induction and synchronization methods.
10. Collection, evaluation, and preservation of semen.
11. Breeding methods: natural breeding and artificial insemination.
12. Embryo transfer.
13. Reproductive control: reproductive rates and causes of reproductive failure in different animal species; Fight against infertility.
14. Reproduction in poultry: male and female; Reproduction in fish.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Hafez, B. and Hafez, E.S.E. (2000). Reproduction in Farm Animals. 7th edition. USA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Noakes, D., Parlinson, T., England, G. (2018). Veterinary Reproduction & Obstetrics, 10th edition. Saunders Ltd.
Parkhurst, Carmen R. e Mountney, George J. (1988). Poultry Meat and Egg Production: New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
Senger, P. L. (2012). Pathways to Pregnancy and Parutrition. 3rd edition. Pullman, WA: Current Conceptions Inc.
Soltner, Dominique. (1989). La Reproducion des Animaux dElevage. Sainte-Gemmes-Sour-Loire, Angers, France: Collection Sciences et Tecniques Agricoles.