Base Knowledge
Construction Materials and Constructive Systems
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methodologies envisaged include expository and inquisitive dynamics, as well as individual and group discussion and problem solving, stimulating individual intervention and criticism. Research work and proposals and dynamic strategies will be developed to solve the problems addressed, as well as their written presentation and oral discussion.
Learning Results
Provide students with knowledge to survey the state of conservation of buildings, in particular, related to anomalies in building inspection methods and diagnosis for future interventions. At the end of the course, students should: identify existing anomalies, their causes and form of manifestation; to know the inspection techniques, namely, the fields of application, limitations and respective advantages and disadvantages; and carry out a diagnosis of the state of conservation of current buildings.
1 – Fundamental concepts
– Built heritage
– Structural and non-structural pathology – Preparation of technical reports.
2 – Anomalies in the relevant structures, causes and consequences – Concrete Structures
– Wooden Structures
– Masonry Structures
– Metal Structures
3 – Non-structural construction anomalies, relevant causes and consequences – Coverage anomalies
– Anomalies in walls
– Anomalies of the spans (windows and doors)
– Foundation anomalies
4 – Inspection techniques
– Main techniques and effectiveness – Non-destructive testing
– In situ tests and laboratory tests
5 – Evaluation of the performance of existing structures – Structure evaluation methodologies
– Monitoring of structures
– More frequent monitoring techniques
– Main phenomena to be evaluated
Curricular Unit Teachers
– Vitor Coias e Silva, 2006, “Inspeções e Ensaios na Reabilitação de Edifícios”, IST Press
– Vitor Coias, 2007, “Reabilitação Estrutural de Edifícios Antigos”, GECoRPA
– Brito, J., 2004, “Vida Útil das Construções e Sua Previsão”, Mestrado em Construção, IST, Lisboa,
– International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, 2005 “Non-destructive testing for plant life assessment” Industrial Applications and Chemistry Section, IAEA-TCS-26ISSN 10 18-551
– Valença, J., 2012, “Monitorização Automática de Estruturas de Betão com Processamento de Imagem e Análise Multi-Espectral de Imagem”, Tese de Doutoramento, FCTUC, Coimbra
– Valença, J., 2006, “Aplicações de Fotogrametria na Engenharia de Estruturas”, Tese de Mestrado, FCTUC, Coimbra
– Vitor Cóias e Silva, 2008, “Guia Prático para Conservação de Imóveis”, Dom Quixote