Applied Information Systems

Base Knowledge

Programming in C or C++

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical component
    Presentation of theoretical concepts;
    Presentation and analysis of examples, encouraging discussion of solutions with students throughout the class;
    Development in an interactive environment, of practical cases on theoretical concepts.

Laboratory Component
    The understanding of the acquired knowledge is promoted through the analysis, discussion and realization of practical examples;
    Resolution of several proposed exercises for students to work individually, promoting interaction between students and student / teacher.

Learning Results

Understand the role of Database Management Systems (DBMS) in Information Systems;
Understand the need for modeling in the design of Databases;
Understand the basic concepts in relational databases: relational model, integrity, normalization, relational
Model, design and implement a relational database;
Manipulate and extract data in Relational Databases using SQL (Structured Query Language);
Develop and structure application interfaces with database management systems;
Understand flow control in backend programs;
Understand the different possibilities of accessing a database from a language and the concept of backend;
The different programming philosophies for the WEB: program to run on the server, and program to run on
the client’s browser. Learn Javascript and HTML commands.


Theoretical Component

1. Introduction to databases:
    a. The Database management systems;
    b. Relational model;
    c. Database modelling;
    d. Data manipulation, integrity and security;
    e. Database design;
    f. The SQL language and its applications;
2. View on application development methods for Desktop/Web information systems;
3. Interaction Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript – a brief summary
    a. The creation of web forms and their submission;
    b. Presentation of results to the user;
4. Server language: PHP / Javascript
    a. The study of object-oriented PHP language;
    b. Interaction between front-end and back-end;
    c. Validation and receipt of form data; authentication;
    d. Summary of the most common PHP frameworks;
5. Connection paradigms between front-end and back-end;
6. Documentation of an information system through graphical language.
7. Project for applying the technologies taught to a specific problem in the field of electrical engineering.

Practical Component

1: Practical example in Excel of how to manage information – recording data from membership fees of a community in Excel tables;
2: Install the tools necessary for the Curricular Unit on the students’ equipment. Use of specific embedded systems in the electrical engineering area;
3: Interaction with the database manager – managing the relational model;
4: Use of database modeling tool;
5: Modeling – exercises. Use of SQL Language;
6: Basics of HTML: designing web forms;
7: PHP – flow control, functions, form data reception methods, authentication;
8: PHP – use of external classes and libraries;
9: PHP – database access (read/delete/change/search). Testing the developed code;
10: PHP – connection paradigms between front-end and back-end;
11: Support to the development of practical work

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main bibliography in the library:

  • Luís Pereira, J. (1998). Tecnologia de Bases de Dados. FCA – Editora de Informática. 972-722-143-2. Cota: 1A-5-63 (ISEC) – 09493.
  • Ramakrishnan, R. and Gehrke, J. (2003). Database Management Systems. McGraw-Hill. 0-07-246563-8. Cota: 1A-5-118 (ISEC) – 12655.
  • Abreu, L. (2012). HTML5, 2a Edição. FCA – Editora de Informática. 978-972-722-739-6. Cota: 1A-12-160 (ISEC) – 16373.
  • Abreu, L. (2011). Javascript. FCA – Editora de Informática. 978-972-722-713-6. Cota: 1A-12-161 (ISEC) -16569.
  • Tavares, F. (2016). PHP com Programação Orientada a Objetos. FCA – Editora de Informática. 978-972-722-837-9. Cota: 1A-12-186 (ISEC) – 17805.
  • Date, C. J. (2004). An introduction to database systems, 8th Edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing. 0-321-18956-6. Cota: 1A-5-120 (ISEC) – 12657.

Existing bibliography on the support platform:

  • Fonseca, I. (2021). Statements of practical work, Slides of lectures.
  • Fonseca, I. (2021). Support software

Extra bibliography:

  • Damas, L. (2017). SQL – Structured Query Language, 14a Edição”. FCA – Editora de Informática. 978-972-722-829-4.
  • Abreu, L. (2016). HTML5, 4a Edição. FCA – Editora de Informática. ISBN: 978-972-722-758-7.
  • Abreu, L. (2015). Javascript 6. FCA – Editora de Informática. 978-972-722-815-7.