Base Knowledge
Anatomy I and II and Biophysics
Teaching Methodologies
Classes will be expository with student interaction in order to make known all medical imaging exams that allow the study of the cardiothoracic and central nervous systems. In all classes, exercises are performed that focus on medical images, anatomical structures and pathologies of the cardiothoracic system and central nervous system.
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge in:
• radiological anatomy and most common pathologies identified in all medical imaging modalities that
allow the study of the cardiothoracic system and the central nervous system.
Skills for:
• Identify imaging structures and signs that distinguish the normal situation from the pathology
• Apply critical reasoning about medical images in order to contribute to diagnostic decisions in the field of
clinical physiology
Competences of:
• Identify imaging exams and anatomical structures of the cardiothoracic and central nervous system.
• Apply critical reasoning before the different Imaging exams relating the normal radiological signs
and anomalous.
1 – Different medical imaging modalities
2 – Medical Imaging of the cardiothoracic system
3 – Radiation Protection and Safety in vascular intervention procedures;
4 – Imaging signs of cardiothoracic pathologies (cardiac, pulmonary, mediastinal and musculoskeletal)
5 – Medical Imaging of the Central Nervous System
6 – Imaging signs of cardiothoracic pathologies (cardiac, pulmonary, mediastinal and musculoskeletal)
7 – Imaging Signs of Central Nervous System Pathologies (head and spine)
Curricular Unit Teachers
Real anonimzed study cases provided by the Professor
Primary References :
Normal Findings in CT and MRI, (1999) Thieme ISBN (Americas): 9780865778641
BUSHBERG, Jerrold T. [et al.] – The essential physics of medical imaging. 2nd ed. Philadelphia ; Tokyo : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, cop. 2002. xvi, [4], 933 p. ISBN 978-0-683-30118-2
LIMA, Adriano Pedroso de [et al.] – Física em medicina nuclear : temas e aplicações. 1a ed. Coimbra : Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2008. 566 p. ISBN 978-989-8074- 26-3
KETAI, Loren H. ; LOFGREN, Richard ; MEHOLIC, Andrew J. – Fundamentals of chest radiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA : Saunders Elsevier, cop. 2006. XII, 289 p. ISBN 978-0-7216-1016-0
LANGE, Sebastian ; WALSH, Geraldine – Doenças do tórax : diagnóstico por imagem. 2a ed. Rio de Janeiro : Revinter, 2002. [13], 376 p. ISBN 85-7309-584-9
MÜLLER, Nestor L. [et al.] – Diagnóstico radiológico das doenças do tórax. [1a ed.]. Rio de Janeiro : Guanabara Koogan, cop. 2003. [16], 774 p. ISBN 978-85-277-0876-0
LEITE, Claudia da Costa ; JÚNIOR, Edson Amaro ; LUCATO, Leandro Tavares – Neurorradiologia : diagnóstico por imagens das alterações encefálicas. Rio de Janeiro : Guanabara Koogan, cop. 2008. XX, 519 p. ISBN 978-85-277-1437-2
SARTOR, Klaus – Neurorradiologia prática. Rio de Janeiro : Revinter, cop. 2001. [14], 324 p. ISBN 85-7309-527-X
SARTOR, Klaus ; HAEHNEL, Stefan ; KRESS, Bodo – Brain imaging. [1st ed.]. Stuttgart ; New York : Thieme, cop. 2008. VIII, 300 p. ISBN 978-3-13-143961-1
Secondary references:
CT Atlas –