Applied Research in Audiology I

Base Knowledge

The student must know the research methodology and statistics.

The student should already have a wide range of knowledge in the scientific area of Audiology.


Teaching Methodologies

Students will receive individual orientation and supervision throughout the semester.

Learning Results

To develop, present and orally defend an emperical research project in audiology or begin a systematic revision of a theme within audiology. Through this work students acquire necessary experience and skills for carrying out research in audiology.


Choice of a topic
Bibliographic research
Research on the bases of scientific works
Type of study
Definition of variables
Formulation of questions and hypotheses on research
Instruments and methodologies utilized in obtaining samples
Research time line
Ethical authorizations
Outlining and organizing the research project
Index of theoretical substantiation

Curricular Unit Teachers





Bell, J. (1997). Como Realizar um Projecto de Investigação. Gradiva. Lisboa.

Gil, A.C. (2017). Como Elaborar Projectos de Pesquisa. 6ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas.

Hill, M. (2008). Investigação por Questionário. Edições Sílabo. Lisboa

Polit D. Hungler B. (2000). Investigation Científica en Cencias de la Salud. 6ª ed. Philadelphia: McGraw-Hill


Not applicable