Base Knowledge
The student must have knowledge of research and statistical methodology.
The student must already have a wide range of knowledge in the scientific area of Audiology.
The student must have basic knowledge of SPSS or other statistical computer program.
Teaching Methodologies
Guidance and follow-up of students individually throughout the school year by the advisor and if
necessary by the holder of the curricular unit.
Learning Results
Elaborate, present and defend orally: a research work based on a systematic review; or a
empirical scientific article whose research project has been drawn up in Applied Research in
Audiology I. With this work students acquire skills for the development of research
in Audiology.
Index of bibliographic research;
Preparation of bibliographic references;
Bibliographic research;
Preparation of the work;
Preparation of the Investigation Project;
Bibliographic Research;
Sample Collection;
Statistical Analysis;
Preparation of scientific article.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Gil, A.C. (2017). Como Elaborar Projectos de Pesquisa. 6ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas.
Bell, J. (1997). Como Realizar um Projecto de Investigação. Gradiva. Lisboa.
Hill, M. (2008). Investigação por Questionário. Edições Sílabo. Lisboa
Polit D. Hungler B. (2000). Investigation Científica en Cencias de la Salud. 6ª ed. Philadelphia: McGraw-Hill