Teaching Methodologies
Tutorial orientation, with a view to the execution of a systematic review and a scientific paper that will be delivered in digital format and discussed after oral presentation.
Learning Results
The student must acquire:
• in-depth of the scientific area which developed the research project;
• about the “State of the art” of scientific area which developed the research project;
• about emergent domains in Clinical Physiology.
Skills to:
• to analyze critically the results obtained during his investigative project, discuss and compare them with those published in the scientific literature;
• to write a scientific article in accordance with the standards and guidelines of ESTESC;
Competences to:
• data analysis and its evaluation.
• to work in multidisciplinary teams and follow the guidelines given by the scientific advisor;
• to present and publish the results obtained within the framework of the research project is in Clinical Physiology;
• to transfer the results of their research project in Clinical Physiology for daily professional practice.
Applied research in Clinical Physiology:
Implementation of a research project in Clinical Physiology based on the problem-based research paradigm, from the design of the research to writing the paper and presenting the results;
Systematic review and meta-analysis;
Seminairs devoted to emergent areas in Clinical Physiology.
Curricular Unit Teachers
O aluno terá acesso a fontes bibliográficas da área científica da sua investigação, quer através da B-On, quer através do canais disponíveis na biblioteca da ESTESC