Learning Results
1. To recognize the potentialities of freshwater ecosystems and their ecological services
2. To evaluate the risks of freshwater ecosystems
3. To diagnose the ecological state of running waters through the evaluation of the riparian area, the fluvial habitat, and biological quality
4. To implement mitigation and/or recovery measures to preserve and promote the sustainable management of running waters
Unit 1. Introduction. 1.1 Geographic distribution of freshwater. 1.2 Importance of freshwater and of freshwater ecosystems. 1.3 Use and abuse of freshwaters.
Unit 2. Characteristics of running waters. 2.1 Geomorphology, physical and chemical factors. 2.2 Ecology. 2.3 Riparian corridors.
Unit 3. Monitoring the ecological integrity of running waters. 3.1 Evaluation of riparian areas. 3.2 Evaluation of the river habitat. 3.3 Evaluation of biological quality.
Unit 4. Ecological restauration of running waters. 4.1 Objectives and basic principles. 4.2 Phases of restoration.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Allan, J.D. & Castillo, M.M. (2007). Stream Ecology: Structure and function of running waters. Springer Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-5583-6.
del Tánago del Río, M.G & Jalón Lastra, D.G. (2001). Restauración de ríos y riberas. Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar ISBN 84-86793-74-2 – Ediciones Mundi-Prensa ISBN 84-7114-969-9.
Implementação da DQA em Portugal – Rios e Albufeiras. Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente. https://www.apambiente.pt/dqa/implementa%c3%a7%c3%a3o-da-dqa-em-portugal.html
River Habitat Survey https://www.riverhabitatsurvey.org/rhs-doc/history/