Teaching Methodologies
Classes will be taught with a practical theoretical character, elaboration of research works. We will seek to encourage individual and group work. Bibliographic sources and study material are made available according to the topics taught.
The teaching methodologies used are intended to provide an effective transmission of knowledge and a climate of dialogue with students that favors and consolidates the teaching-learning process.
To achieve the UC goals and acquire the skills foreseen for the student, the learning process is based on case studies; in the execution of practical works of application of the theoretical concepts; in the bibliographic research necessary to complement the information obtained in the classes.
Contact with the arable crop areas of the ESAC agricultural holding and other holdings allows for the consolidation of the program contents exposed.
Learning Results
Assess the importance of spring-summer arable and autumn- winter arable crops in Portugal, Europe and the world;
Learn about the main arable crops grown in spring-summer and autumn- winter arable ;
Evaluate particular situations of spring-summer and autumn- winter arable crops and their benefit in animal feed;
To frame the management of arable crops, in the spring-summer and autumn- winter arable season, in a perspective of sustainable development.
Understand the great diversity of cultivated arable crops and their adaptation to the different edaphoclimatic conditions in the world, conveying the need to use cultural techniques that conserve natural resources and minimize environmental contamination.
Definitions and basic concepts; classification of arable crops;
Main production regions of spring-summer arable and autumn- winter arable crops at national and international level;
Economic and market aspects: the world market; of the European Union; its evolution and economic importance in Portugal. Cultivated areas, productions and income obtained from commercial transactions;
Identification of crops in their different stages of their vegetative cycle;
Vegetative cycle and cultural cycle, with application to the cultures studied;
Main requirements of cultures and respective cultural techniques;
Advantages and limitations of using arable crops in animal feed;
Agronomic and physiological characteristics of the main species used;
Cultural practices to be carried out for the installation of arable crops.
Programs for the installation of arable crops in different soil and climate situations.
Curricular Unit Teachers
COMPANY, M. L. – El maiz, su cultivo y aprovechamiento. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. 1984.
COOKE, D. A.; SCOOT, R. K. – The sugar beet crop. Science into practice. Cambridge: Chapman and Hall, University Press. 1995.
FREELING, M.; WALBOT, V. – The maize handbook. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1996. GUERRERO, A. – Cultivos Herbáceos Extensivos. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. 1992.
GARCIA, A. G.; Cultivos herbáceos extensivos. Ediciones Mundi- Press. Madrid. 779p. 1999,
MENEGON, G.; PIVOTTIi, F., XICCATO, G. – Fundamentos de Tecnologia Agrária. Mem Martins: Publicações Europa América, Colecção Euro-Agro Nº 34 e 35. 1992.
ORDONES, A. A.; COMPANY, M. L. – El cultivo del girassol. Madrid: Agroguias, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. 1990.
SANTOS, J. Q. – Fertilização. Fundamentos da utilização dos adubos e correctivos. Mem Martins: Publicações Europa-América, Colecção Euro-Agro, Nº 30. 1991.
TONIOLO, L.; MOSCA, G. – O cultivo da soja. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 1991.