Base Knowledge
Knowledge obtained in Bases de Dados from LEI, or LEI-PL.
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methodoIogies and evaIuation:
A PL/SQL test (20%).
A practicaI work with two intermediate checkpoints (25%) – 50% minimum (vaIid to aII exams). A finaI written examination (35%).
Students can repIace in the exam the assessment obtained in the PL/SQL test (20%)
TheoreticaI cIasses: Exposition of the subjects foIIowed by exercises resoIving
PracticaI cIasses: Exercises soIving in the computer using exercises sheets and practicaI work support.
Students have at their disposaI in schooIs’ MoodIe pIatform aII the information, bibIiography and exercise sheets.
Each professor has 6 office hours at students’ disposaI. Students can contact teachers aIso by e-maiI.
Learning Results
Be able to know how to use advanced database normalization.
Be able to develop applications using database server-side programming. Be able to know how to administrate a database management system.
Be able to justify the solutions proposed at the level of database administration. Be able to identify the concepts related to tuning of relational databases.
Be able to make appropriate documentation about database administration.
Be able to identify the concepts related with parallel and distributed databases. Be able to justify the solutions proposed at the level of database project.
Be able to make presentations and explain the developed projects in a clear way. Be able to evaluate solutions used in databases, showing critical attitude.
Be able to develop innovative projects, with a high degree of autonomy, where they are limited to apply the concepts learned in the classes.
Database administration. PL/SQL programming language. Oracle Server architecture.
Backup and recovery. Security.
Advanced normalization.
Parallel and Distributed databases. Tuning.
Curricular Unit Teachers