Teaching Methodologies
The development of the theoretical component is done using the lecture method and presentation of specific materials, resorting to strategies of participatory exhibition and practical examples, as well as any passages of videos, slideshows and documentaries, to complement the information on the topics in question ;
The organization of seminars with guest speakers and field trips, is also considered.
The preparation of field work, using the techniques discussed, involving observation and class discussion, is part of the UC practice, forcing the student to organize and apply the knowledge acquired in situations with their practicability.
Learning Results
1. Have the concept of aromatic, medicinal and spicy plants (PAMC) and auxiliary and spontaneous;
2. To know and identify the PAMCs and the most relevant auxiliary and spontaneous ones;
3. Know and understand the interest of PAMC; auxiliary and spontaneous in their specific uses;
4. Understand the importance of the spontaneous in maintaining the balance of ecosystems;
5. To know the methodologies of installation, propagation and preservation of the plants in appropriate places according to the concepts of Biological Production (PB).
1. Identification of the most relevant PAMC, auxiliary and spontaneous in AB;
2. Selection and propagation of suitable species;
3. Cultural technologies and operations of installation and maintenance in PB;
4. Harvests and specific uses in AB.
Grading Methods
- - Exame - 100.0%
- - Teste escrito - 100.0%
Plantas Medicinais, Dorling Kindersley, London; Civilização Editores, Lda, Porto Denne, W. (2009)
Ervas Aromáticas, Dorling Kindersley, London; Civilização Editores, Lda, Porto McViccar, J. (2005)
O Poder das Aromáticas, Dorling Kindersley, London; Civilização Editores, Lda, Porto Riotte, L. (1983)
As cenouras amam os Tomates, Publicações Europa-América, Mem Martins.
Chevallier, A. (2009)