Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The unit Project of Art and Design, being theoretical in nature (27 hours), theory and practice (27 hours) and laboratory practices (105 hours) will be taught in sessions which will address core content planned and promoted support students within their projects, monographs or internships. The various sessions will follow the didactic and pedagogical options appropriate to the fulfillment of programmatic and regulatory assumptions, which aim to train students in the fields of art and design.
The assessment process of the curricular unit of Art and Design Project will comply with its regulations, in which there are the conditions and the parameters that constitute the benchmark for the performance evaluation of each student in the different training components, having as intervening teachers of the curricular unit and a jury appointed for the purpose.
Learning Results
3.1 To strengthen competences based on critical reflection, aimed at building knowledge in an interdisciplinary perspective centered in Art and Design.
3.2 To adopt new languages that mobilize new dialogue perspectives between contemporary work of arts and design.
3.3 To favour the integration of new interaction forms and knowledge acquisition, through ecologies that privilege the conceptual deepening.
3.4 To value the implementation of concept and project advanced studies, having as reference innovation autonomous processes and contemporary creativity in different physical, social, and cultural contexts, namely, through the establishment of inter-institutional relations and approximation to the labor market.
4.1. Art
4.1.1. Contemporary art: visual culture, pluralism and local/global interaction.
4.1.2. Disciplines of artistic creation: production problems and public presentation.
4.1.3. Art languages, intervention and public presentation in different contexts: contemporary art museums and art centers, galleries, and independent alternative spaces.
4.1.4. Several approaches of investigation and development to the contemporary art project.
4.2.1. Design and Identity: cultural dimension.
4.2.2. Design Interdisciplinarity: ethics and responsibility.
4.2.3. Design studies, program and projects, in multiple contexts.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - see regulation - 100.0%
Caeiro, M. (2014). Arte na cidade. Circulos de Leitores.
Cartiere, C.; Willis, S. (2008). The Practice of Public Art. Routledge.
Foster,Hal (2007) (Dis)Engaged Art. in Right About Now: Art &Theory since the 1990´s. Valiz,pp.72-85.
Flusser, V. (2008). O mundo codificado. Cosac Naify.
Martin, S. (2006). Video Art. Tachen.
Matzner, F. (2004). Public art : A reader. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, cop.
Oiticica, H. (2012). Museu é o mundo. Azougue Editora.
Paiva, B. (2012). Design e Urbanidade – CumpliCidades do Programa Polis. Tese de Doutoramento. FAUL
Phillips, P. (2009). Briefing: a gestão do projeto de design. Editora Blucher.
Quaresma, J. (2010) Arte Pública e Reconhecimento Mútuo”, in Efervescência Urbana, Artística e Literária de um Lugar. FBAUL/CIEBA.
Ursprung, Philip (2012) De Observador a Participante: No estúdio de Olafur Eliasson. In Studio Olafur Elliasson.Taschen.