Base Knowledge
No need.
Teaching Methodologies
The UC has a theoretical-practical component (TP) and a laboratory practice component (PL). The evaluation of the TP component will be done through a consultation test. The evaluation of the PL component will be based on effective participation in classes and on the development of an action methodology aimed at a specific community under the tutorship of the teacher. The latter will be later systematized and presented in the form of a written work.
The final classification in continuous assessment will be governed by the following formula: final value = TP (50%) + PL (50%) – 100%
Assessment by final exam: theoretical-practical test – 100%
Learning Results
1 – Identify the constructive and imagetic dimensions, as well as axiological, ethical and praxiological dimensions of Culture;
2- Acquire a critical view, based on the theoretical panorama, on the conceptual evolution of Participatatory Arts;
3- Recognize the main theoretical approaches and action methodologies within the Participatory Arts;
4- Mobilize and articulate technical and theoretical resources that allow them, in their future as professionals in the arts and/or researchers, to play the role of cultural mediators, thus taking into account the specificities of the community in which they intervene as well as the different paradigms, discourses and knowledge about this field of action.
1– Epistemological routes for participatory art – hermeneutics of Culture as a starting point;
2– From “Community Art” to “Participatory Art” – the conceptual evolution of these practices;
3 – Participatory Arts – a cartography of its main approaches today;
4- Laboratory Practice.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - theoretical-pratical component - 50.0%
- - laboratory practice component - 50.0%
Baptista, Maria (dir.). (2014). Políticas Públicas Culturais: Dinâmicas, Tensões e Paradoxos.
Boal, A. (2009). A Estética do Oprimido. Garamond.
Borie, M., Rougemont, M., & Jacques, S. (2011). Estética Teatral – Textos de Platão a Brecht. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Carmelo, L. (2003). Semiótica – Uma Introdução. Publicações Europa-América.
Cruz, H. (2021). Práticas Artísticas, Participação e Política . Edições Colibri
Cruz, H. (coord.). (2015). Arte e Comunidade. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Eco, U. (1973). O Signo . Biblioteca das Ciências Humanas.
Erven, E. (2002). Community Theatre – Global Perspectives. Taylor & Francis e-library.
Guinsburg, J. (dir.). (1988). Semiologia do Teatro. Editora Perspetiva.
Hall, S. (2016). Cultural Studies 1983 – A Theoretical History. Duke University Press.
Hegel, G. (1993). Estética. Guimarães Editores.
Lotman, I. (1996). Semiótica de la Cultura y del Texto. Ediciones Cátedra Universitat de Valencia.