Assistive Technology

Base Knowledge

Equipments and Technologies in Physiotherapy

Teaching Methodologies

Oral presention: to present the themes / content, raise issues and guide the approach of the students;
Using different study cases to illustrate the topics under study;
Discussion in small groups (4-5 students), or various common tasks.
The evaluation of the course will occur within the Rules of Evaluation of Coimbra Health School, namely:
Continuing Evaluation: Students are assessed through two group-works (50%/50%) or evaluated by Exam.

Learning Results

Practical-instrumental (psychomotor performance);
Cognitive: reflective knowledge and mental performance;
Affective: growth in emotional / behavioral and attitudinal areas.


1. Assistive technologies and human functioning;
2. Policies of allocation and funding of Assistive Technologies in Portugal;
3. Levels of prescription and funding;
4. The process in assistive technologies and their relationship to the process of physiotherapy;
5. Adoption cycle of an assistive technology (Phase development, selection, training, integration);
6. Research and measurement of results on assistive technologies;
7. Specific dimensions (comfort, weight and dimensions, propulsion, adaptability, security, support,
transportability, ease of handling, efficiency, etc.);
8. Generic dimensions (Use, psychosocial impact, satisfaction, quality of life, social participation, costs);
9. Tests and measures in assistive technologies (description and application).

Curricular Unit Teachers




Andrich, R. (1999). Aconselhamento de Ajudas Técnicas: Organização e Metodologia de Trabalho dos Centros de
Informação sobre Ajudas Técnicas. Lisboa: Secretariado Nacional para a Reabilitação e Integração das Pessoas
com Deficiência.
Andrich, R., Ferrario, M. & Moi, M. (1998). A model of cost-outcome analysis for assistive technology. Disability &
Rehabilitation, 20 (1), 1–24.
Batavia, M., Batavia, A. I. & Friedman, R. (2001. Changing chairs: antecipating problems in prescribing wheelchairs.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 23 (12), 539-548.
Bates, P. S., Spencer, J. C., Young, M. L. & Rintala, D. H. (1993). Assistive technology and the newly disabled adult:
adaptation to wheelchair use. The American Journal of Occupation Therapy, 47 (11), 1014-1021.