Base Knowledge
Students should have acquired knowledge on computer programming, digital electronics and microprocessors.
Teaching Methodologies
In theoretical classes the expository method predominates, complemented by the resolution and analysis of examples. The laboratory classes allow the consolidation of the theoretical knowledge acquired during the semester through the oriented resolution and analysis of the results of the proposed exercises, as well as a set of guiding and structuring works.
Learning Results
Teach the processes of designing, designing, executing and maintaining automation systems;
Program automata and electrical and pneumatic equipment;
Ability to propose technical solutions to the employer or client;
Ability to choose technical solutions and their arguments to the employer or client in the scope of automation;
Perform and maintain automated systems; Develop supervisory systems and HMI systems.
Programming of Automata – Grafcet I, II and III; Grafcet encoding in Ladder;
Specific functions associated with different manufacturers;
Introduction to supervision and interaction – the importance of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems; Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) systems; Electric drawing tools for the automation area – electrical design.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste Teórico - 25.0%
- - Trabalhos de laboratório - 75.0%
Recomended Bibliografy:
Automação Industrial, J. Norberto Pires (Edições ETEP);
Manufacturer’s Catalogs (PLCs and Manuals of Training Courses); Manuals from Siemens, Omron, Zenon; Statement of laboratory work, Slides
Complementary bilbiografy:
Autómatos Programáveis, Paulo Oliveira (Edições ETEP);Autómatos Programáveis, António Francisco (Edições ETEP); Manufacturer’s Catalogs (PLCs and Manuals of Training Courses); Manuals from Siemens, Omron, Zenon; Statement of laboratory work, Slides