Basics of Law

Base Knowledge

N. A.

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching methodologies are used in this curricular unit: interpretation and analysis of the legal provisions and exposure of contents by the teacher and its discussion with the students; resolution of practical real case studies and court decisions by the students.

Learning Results

The objectives of this course are:

a)  Enable participants to analyze and apply the legal regulations in force, whether in the context of

administrative law or in real property and registration rights;

b)  Identify the sources of law;

c)  Know the different elements of legal interpretation;

d)  Identify the general principles of law with an impact on property and land registry;

e)  Know the general principles of public law contained in the Constitution and the law;

f)   Analyze the formalities of administrative procedures;

g)  Identify and classify the object of real rights: objects or things;

h)  Know the principles referred to the constitution and defense of real rights;

i)    Identify modes of acquisition, encumbrance and extinction of private property rights.

j)    Recognize the importance of land registration.


Module I. Introduction to Law

a)  Sources of law;

b)  Interpretation and application of the law;

c)  General principles of law, namely of constitutional and administrative law;

d)  Administrative procedure and administrative organization.

Module II. Real rights

a)  Legal framework;

b)  Acquisition mode;

c)  Defense of property;

d)  Termination of property rights;

e)  Importance of land registration.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

1) Evaluation by frequency
  • - Written individual tests (Module I - 40.0%
  • - Written individual tests (Module II - 60.0%
2) Evaluation by examination
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Dias, J. E. F. & Oliveira, F. P. (2017). Noções Fundamentais de Direito Administrativo. Almedina.

Jardim, M. (2018). Estudos de direitos reais e registo predial. Gestlegal. 

Justo, A. S. (2020). Direitos reais. Coimbra Editora.

Leitão, L. M. (2020). Direitos reais. Almedina