Behavior Disorders

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical-practical classes will have the contribution of the teacher and students.
The teacher: explanation of the contents of the program; promotion of practical and reflection activities illustrating program topics; guidance of students in the research, construction and exploration of different materials; support in carrying out student work projects.
Students: participation in practical and reflective activities triggered in class; exhibition of dissertation and research works; construction and exploration of different materials, analysis and guided case resolution in light of the models discussed.
The assessment will comply with the regulations applicable to the course. The continuous assessment regime will include two individual written tests (75%) and elements of continuous information (work carried out, attendance, participation, involvement…) (25%).
Assessment by exam is done through written test.

Learning Results

At the end of this course students should:
-know some explanatory hypotheses that could lead to the understanding of the most common behavior problems exhibited by preschool and first /second BEC children;
-be able to identify and evaluate, objectively, the problem behaviors, quantifying the level and the pattern of dysfunctional behavior before and after the intervention;
-know to perspective the dynamics of the educational relationship as the confluence of cognitive, affective, motivational and situational aspects;
-be able to select, plan and implement, in a critical way, appropriated forms for each problem behavior that comes across him;
-being better able to manage the dynamics of the educational activities in the context of preschool and first/second BEC education.


Keywords: Behavior disorders, behavior problems, indiscipline, cognitive-behavioral model, room management, intervention strategies, educational relationship, humanistic model.
1. Behavior disorders / behavior problems; concept, classification and identification;
2. Etiological factors of behavioral problems: variability of perspectives;
3. Behavior problems: Implications and action measures in managing the classroom and in the “control” of the class;
4. The model of cognitive behavior modification: principles and processes of action:
-theoretical framework and basic principles;
-observing and recording behavior;
-analysis of variables, strategy definition and operationalization of interventions;
-implementing processes;
-evaluation of the effectiveness and choices to be made;
5. The humanistic perspective on educational interaction: a complementary position to behavioral models;
6. Expectations and effectiveness of educational action;

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Frequency - 75.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




ABREU-RODRIGUES, Josele; RODRIGUES RIBEIRO, Michela (org.) (2005) . Análise do comportamento: pesquisa, teoria e aplicação. Porto Alegre : Artmed. [ ISBN 85-363-0478-2 ESEC 159.92/341]
BLIN, Jean-François ; GALLAIS-DEULOFEU, Claire (2005). Classes difíceis: ferramentas para prevenir e administrar os problemas escolares. Porto Alegre : Artmed. (Trad de: Classes difficiles: des outils pour prévenir et gérer les perturbations scolaires) . HALL, Philip S. ; HALL, Nancy D. (2008). Educar crianças com problemas de comportamento. Porto : Porto Editora (Trad. de: Educating oppositional and defiant children) . [ISBN 978-972-0-34517-2 ESEC 371.5/35]
RUTHERFORD, R.; LOPES, J. (2009). Problemas de comportamento na sala de aula: Identificação, avaliação e modificação. Porto. Porto Editora.
VAZ, J. Pimentel (1999). Indisciplina na sala de aula: enquadramento da problemática e estratégias de intervenção centradas no modelo comportamental. Coimbra: Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra.