Teaching Methodologies
The curricular unit will be developed according to a theoretical model with moments of structured exposure of the contents and respective analysis/discussion/debate.
An interrogative/interactive methodology will be used prior to the presentation of the contents/concepts, and demonstration / exemplification through their practical application in everyday situations and, where appropriate, using videos, computer programs, professional instruments. It also contemplates, and whenever the autonomous study is justified with research on the exposed contents and the reading and critical analysis of articles / texts.
The approval in the curricular unit can be done through periodic evaluation: Frequency (70% of the evaluation) and Written work and presented orally (30% of the evaluation); or by assessment by final exam.
The approval in the discipline is obtained with a classification superior or equal to 10 values. The classification in each of the evaluations cannot be less than 9 values
Learning Results
1. Sensitize students to the ethical issues, particularly those related to health;
2. Analyze the ethical implications related to the advancement of technology and medicine;
3. Contribute to a better understanding of ethical issues and their applicability in the professional field;
4. Know the values of personal nature and the underlying ethical principles allowing a reflection on their applicability in
the profession and in society at large;
5. Identify new ethical paradigms and adopt a critical approach in decision making;
6. Understand and analyze specific concepts and apply them in the context of ethical problems.
Definition of ethics, structure and origin of the concept;
Values / principles / standards;
Definition of bioethics, structure and origin of the concept;
Distinction between ethics and morals; ethics and law; ethics and religion;
The first initiatives to theorize bioethics: mainism;
Fundamental principles in bioethics
The ethical and legal doctrine of informed consent
Structural elements of informed consent;
Variants of informed consent;
Autonomy and the right to privacy;
Responsibility of the health professional
Professional secrecy / confidentiality of clinical data;
Patients’ rights and duties;
Codes of ethics and codes of ethics;
Nutritionist / patient relationship;
Ethics and end of life.
Disability and rehabilitation;
Population aging;
Euthanasia and dignity of death;
HIV infection;
Society, health and quality of life;
Medically assisted reproduction;
Environment, biodiversity and biopolitics
Curricular Unit Teachers
Beauchamp, T; Childress, J: Princípios de Ética Biomédica (trad. Do original inglês por Teresa Garcia-Miguel et al), Masson ed., Barcelona, 2002.
Engelhardt, T: Fundamentos da Bioética, (trad. José A. Ceschin), Edições Loyola, São Paulo, 1998, ISBN: 85-15-01683-4.
Moreno, A.: Ética em tecnologias da saúde. Lisboa: Medilivro, D. L. 2004. 305 p.
Neves, M.; Osswald, W.: Bioética simples. Lisboa: Verbo, 2007. 299 p. ISBN 978-972-22-2738-4.
Revista portuguesa de bioética: cadernos de bioética. Coimbra, [1990]- . ISSN 1646-8082
Roque Cabral: Princípio de Autonomia, in Bioética (Coordenação de Luís Archer, Jorge Biscaia e Walter Oswald), Editorial Verbo, Lisboa, 1996:53-55.
Serrão, D: Consentimento Informado, in Bioética, (Coordenação de Luís Archer, Jorge biscaia e Walter Oswald), Editorial Verbo, Lisboa, 1996: 78-81.
Sgreccia, E: Manual de BioéticaII – Aspectos Médico-Sociais, Edições Loyola, São Paulo, 1997.