Base Knowledge
nothing to refer
Teaching Methodologies
1. Formal exposition, by the teacher, limited to the transmission of key/structural contents related to the theoretical aspects of the curricular unit;
2. Literature search, guided by the teacher, on particular topics of the program;
3. Execution of practical work in the laboratory and in the field;
4. Oral presentation (content lecture) and discussion of the results of research and / or results of practical work;
5. Conducting field trips to observe, collect and identify plant species.
Learning Results
a) Identify the internal structure and organization of the plant body, relating it to the function of the different organs; b) Knowi how to identify plant species based on the morphological characterization of whole plants and/or parts of plants, using Floras, e-Floras, dichotomous keys, Field Guides, herbarium material and other sources; c) To know some of the species which are native to Portugal and which are of greatest interest in forest areas, including mainly tree and shrub species but also some herbaceous species; d) To know the alien species which are of greatest interest in forest areas (including used and invasive species); e) To develop curiosity for plants.
a) Plant histology and anatomy: tissues and their histological characteristics; primary and secondary anatomy; root, stem and leaf anatomy and its relation to the functions in the main taxonomic groups of vascular plants;
b) External morphology of the root, stem, leaf, flower, inflorescence and fruit;
c) Principles of systematics, taxonomy and plant nomenclature; characterisation of the main taxonomic groups of vascular plants;
d) Characterization (taxonomy; comparative morphology; distribution area; vicarization; interest and utilization) of the species with greater interest in forest areas in Portugal, including species of the families: Adoxaceae, Altingiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Betulaceae, Cistaceae, Cupressaceae, Ericaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Juglandaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Pinaceae, Pittosporaceae, Platanaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Taxaceae and Ulmaceae, among others.
e) Invasive plant species: identification based on field guides and explanation of their effect on the environment.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Basic Bibliography:
Bingre P, Aguiar C, Espírito-Santo D, Arsénio P & Monteiro-Henriques T (Coords Cient). 2007. Guia de Campo – As árvores e os arbustos de Portugal continental. 462 pp. In Sande Silva J (Coord. Ed.) Coleção Árvores e Florestas de Portugal. Vol. IX. Jornal Público/ FLAD/LPN. Lisboa.
Fernandes RB. 1972. Vocabulário de termos botânicos. Separata do Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana.
Franco JA & Afonso MLR. 1971-2003. Nova Flora de Portugal (Continente e Açores). Escolar Editora. Lisboa. Portugal.
Harris J & Harris M. 1994. Plant identification terminology: an illustrated glossary. Spring Lake Publishing. Spring Lake, Utah.
Lidon FJ, Gomes H & Abrantes AC. 2001. Anatomia e morfologia externa das plantas superiores. Lidel. Lisboa.
Pelczar M, Chan E & Krieg N. 1993. Microbiology: Concepts and Applications. New York. McGraw-Hill Book Company. ISBN 13: 9780070492585.
Raven PH, Evert RF & Eichhorn SE. 1999. Biology of Plants. 6ª ed. W. H. Freeman and Company. NY.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Botânica. 2014. Flora-On: Flora de Portugal interactiva. disponível em:
Additional Bibliography:
Castroviejo S et al. (Ed.) 1986-2012. Flora Iberica. Plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica, e Islas Baleares. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid. disponível em:
Humphries CJ, Press JR, Sutton DA, Garrard I, Hayward T & More D. 2005. Guia de Campo das Árvores de Portugal e Europa. Fapas.
iNaturalist. 2022. Disponível em:
Izco J et al. 1998. Botânica. 2ªEd. Mc.GRAW-HILL Interamericana de España, S.AU.
Marchante H, Morais MC, Freitas H & Marchante E. 2014. Guia Prático para a Identificação de Plantas Invasoras de Portugal. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra. Pp. 208. ISBN: 978-989-26-0785-6.
Polunin O. 1999. Árboles Y Arbustos De Europa. OMEGA. ISBN: 9788428207393
Russell T. 2007. Trees of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia and Identifier. Hermes House. ISBN 9781846811876
Vila-Viçosa C, Capelo J, Alves P, Almeida R & María Vázquez F. 2022. New annotated checklist of the Portuguese oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae). Mediterranean Botany. Online First: