Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Os conteúdos programáticos serão desenvolvidos mediante a combinação de sessão expositivas com sessões práticas e a resolução de exercicios ou análise e discussão de casos.
– dois trabalhos individuais (15%+15%)
– trabalho de grupo (30%)
– teste individual (30%).
Participação e a realização de actividades em aulas (10%)
– teste escrito (50%)
– trabalho (50%)
Learning Results
Acquire the necessary skills to build a brand, defining a process and a set of actions to position it and create brand equity
1. The relation between brand and marketing
1.1. The importance of the brand
1.2. The brand is a marketing mix variable?
2. The brand as a signal
2.1. The mission and the marketing mix
2.1.1. The brand as part of the marketing mix variables
2.1.3. Brand functions
2.1.4. Brand extension strategy
• Brand acquisition
• Brand alliance
• Brand Extension
• Distributor brand
2.2.The signal and the identity mix
2.2.1. Name
2.2.3. Tipes of corporate identity (corporate, endorsed and branded).
2.2.4. Brand characters
2.3. Image and public mix
2.3.1. Brand awareness
2.3.2. Brand associations
2.3.3. Perceived Quality
2.3.4. Brand loyalty
3. Brand equity
3.1. The sources of brand value
3.2. Brand valuation models
4. The future of brand management
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 30.0%
- - Individual Work - 30.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Exam - 50.0%
AAKER, D. (2010), “Building Strong Brands”,New York The free press.
AAKER, D. (1998),”Marcas: brand equity, gerenciando o valor da Marca”, Elsevier Brazil.
AAKER, D. (2016), “Aaker on Branding: 20 Principles that Drive Success”. New York, Journal of Marketing Channels, 23(3)
BRITO, C. M. & LENCASTRE, P. (2014),”Os Horizontes do Marketing”, Editorial Verbo
KAPFERER, J.N., (2012),“The new strategic Brand Management: Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking”, Kogan Page, London.
KOTLER, P. & KELLER, K. (2016), Marketing Management, 15th edition, Pearson Education.
KELLER, K. & MACHADO, M. (2005), “Gestão Estratégica de Marcas”, Prentice Hall Brasil
LENCASTRE, P. et al. (2007),”O Livro da Marca”, Publicações D. Quixote, Lisboa
RODRIGUES, V., DIONISIO, P. et al. (2018), Mercator 25 anos – o Marketing na era digital. Lisboa, D. Quixote.
WHEELER, A. (2016), ” Designing brand identity: An essential guide for the whole branding team, J Wiley & Sons