Base Knowledge
Biology of secondary education
Teaching Methodologies
The theoretical classes are aimed at the detailed presentation of the program contents. Use an expository active methodology, appealing the direct intervention of the students, using the expected image support, where schemes and images of cellular structures will be presented and explained to the students interactively privileging the bidirectionality of the communication.
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge of:
• Cell Organization
• History and evolution of knowledge of the cell.
• Differences between the two types of cell organization – prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
• Cellular Physiology.
The student must acquire skills:
• Identification of cellular components and organelles.
The student must acquire competences of:
• Description of cellular structures with knowledge of their normal physiology.
• Understanding of structural and physiological cellular changes underlying situations of disease.
Introduction to the study of cellular biology – contributions to its development
– Cell overview
– The prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cell
– The cytoplasmic membrane, its constituents and organization
– Differences of the cytoplasmic membrane, cellular interactions and cell adhesion molecules
– Simple, easy-to-carry and active transport transmembrane transport
– Membrane potential
– Cytoskeleton its constituents, functions and cellular dynamics
– Endoplasmic reticulum, types, characteristics and functions
– Protein Synthesis and Addressing
– Golgi complex, formation and function of lysosomes
– Peroxisomes, biogenesis and peroxisomal metabolism
– Mitochondria, bioenergetics and mitochondrial biogenesis
– Nuclear organization
– Cell activation and signaling pathways
– Oxidative Stress
– Cell death – apoptosis and necrosis
Curricular Unit Teachers
E. De Robertis, E. M. De Robertis, Jr. (1996). Biologia Celular e Molecular.
LODISH, Harvey [et al.] – Molecular cell biology. 5th ed. New York : W.H. Freeman and Company, cop. 2004. XXXIII, 973, 56 p. ISBN 0-7167-4366-3.
ALBERTS,B. & col. (2008). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4 th ed. New York: Garlang Science.
AZEVEDO, C. (coord.), (2005). Biologia celular e Molecular. 4 th ed. Lisboa, Porto, Coimbra: Lidel.
De Robertis (1996). Biologia Celular e Molecular. 4ª edição – EGK
Azevedo C.; Sunkel Claudio E. (2012). Biologia Celular e Molecular . 5ª ED., Lidel – edições técnicas.