Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Os conteúdos de índole teórico são apresentados em aulas teóricas, sendo depois esses conteúdos aplicados a exercícios práticos realizados em aulas teórico-práticas.
Learning Results
The main purpose of the curricular unity is to provide the student a global view of Chemistry, in order to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired previously. It is also intended to introduce the student to the field of Organic Chemistry, giving special emphasis to the structure, nomenclature and physicochemical characteristics of the main families of organic compounds. Thus, the student should be able to i) understand the basic concepts of chemistry, chemical bonds and mass relations in chemical reactions, state of matter, thermochemistry and chemical equilibrium; ii) identify reactions of precipitation, acid-base, oxidation-reduction and reactions with oxygen; iii) identify the functional groups of organic compounds and their properties; iv) determine the structure of an organic compound from its name and vice versa v) identify and classify different isomers of organic compounds
- Basic concepts
Atom composition and structure. Classification and periodic properties. Chemical bond. Chemical reactions and equations. Stoichiometry.
2. States of matter: gases, liquids and solids
Characteristics and properties of the gaseous, liquid and solid state.
3. Chemical and physical changes in reactions: Energy, kinetics and equilibrium
Thermochemistry. Chemical reaction kinetics. Chemical equilibrium. Reaction energy.
4. Reactions and solutions
Types of reactions: precipitation, acid-base, oxidation-reduction and reactions with oxygen. Properties of aqueous and colloidal solutions. Gas solubility.
5. Origins and importance of Organic Chemistry
Electronic and molecular structure of organic compounds. Electronic displacement. Resonance hybrids. Physical and chemical properties.
6. Functional groups and nomenclature
7. Stereochemistry
Constitutional isomers and stereoisomers
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Mini-tests - 80.0%
- - Exercises resolution - 20.0%
- - Final exam - 100.0%
- Chang, R. (1994). Química. (5ª edição). Lisboa : McGraw-Hill. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-1-114 )
- Atkins, P., Jones L. (1997). Chemistry : molecules, matter and change.(3th Ed.). New York : Freeman and Company (Disponível na Biblioteca: 6-1-123 (ISEC) – 08684 )
- Atkins, P.W. (1998). Physical Chemistry. (6th ed.) Oxford University Press, Oxford. (Disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 6-5-47 (ISEC) – 09344 )
- Morrison, R. e Boyd, R. (2005). Química Orgânica. (14ª edição). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Disponível na Biblioteca: 6-2-47 (ISEC) – 15309 )
- Carey, F.A. (2008).Organic Chemistry. (7th edition). McGraw Hill, New York. (Disponivel na Biblioteca: 6-2-69 (ISEC) – 15612. – Existe ex. de outra ed. )
- Campos, L.S. e Mourato, M. (1999). Nomenclatura dos Compostos Orgânicos (2ª edi.). Lisboa : Escolar Editora (Disponível na Biblioteca: 6-2-65 (ISEC) – 10570 )