Chemistry and Biochemistry I

Base Knowledge

Physical-chemistry subjects from 10º and 11º years of the secondary

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies used are intended to provide an effective transfer of knowledge in an environment of dialogue with students that consolidates the process of teaching-learning. The course is taught in lectures and in laboratory classes. In the lectures are taught the theoretical foundations required for the development of the contents and the acquisition of the skills. The participation of the students will be encouraged in the adaptation of concepts to specific situations. Theoretical-practical exercises can be presented and discussed in the classroom. Practice component involves the lab execution of protocols, reports  and questionnaires of the laboratory work.

Learning Results

– Know the properties of the solutions

– Understand the laws of the Chemical Equilibrium considering the different types: acid-base, oxidation-reduction, poorly soluble salts, and complexation

– Know the nomenclature and the structure of the main classes of organic compounds.


Interaction forces between molecules and sites of action. Properties of the solutions. Chemical Equilibrium: acid-base, oxidation-reduction, poorly soluble salts, and complexation. Structure, nomenclature and physical properties of main classes of organic compounds. 

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Realização de relatórios de trabalhos práticos - 25.0%
  • - Teste teórico - 75.0%
Avaliação por Exame
  • - Teste teórico - 75.0%
  • - Realização de relatórios de trabalhos práticos - 25.0%




  • Atkins, P., Laverman, L., Jones, L. (2016). Chemical Principles: the quest for insight: W.H.Freeman, Co. Ltd. 
  • Chang, R. (2005) Química. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Jones, L.L. & Atkins, P.W. (2002). Chemistry: Molecules, matter and change: New York Freeman
  • Morrison, R. Boyd, R. (1996). Química orgânica: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
  • Reger, D., Goode, S., Mercer, E. (2010). Química: princípios e aplicações: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian