Civil Litigation Practice

Teaching Methodologies

I – Methodology

1. Introductory lessons

2. Written work of the student on a topic listed in the syllabus. The work will be based on a practical case. Presentation in class and further discussion.

II – Assessment

1. The work presented and its defense class.

2. Student participation.

Learning Results

Develop and deepen the theory and practice of civil procedure considering the conduct of proceedings.

Emphasize the importance of pleadings (terms, writing) and proof.

Consider the technical procedural strategy.

Capture the logical and chronological connections between procedural steps, they behave different phases and, where applicable, the respective incidents


I ─ The process – general notions

1. articulated; 2. The reorganization and condensation; 3. The instruction; 4. The trial

II – articulated

1. The initial petition; 2. The challenge; 3 The replica

III- Proof

1 – Testimonial; 2 – Confession – statement – statement; 3 – Examination; 4 – Judicial Inspection; 5 – Documentary

IV – Procedural strategy

1. The procedural strategy; 2. Positioning; 3. Art of rhetoric

Curricular Unit Teachers




─ Antunes Varela, J. Miguel Bezerra, Sampaio e Nora, Manual de processo civil, 2.a Edição, Coimbra Editora, 2005.

— José Augusto Pais do Amaral, Direito processual civil, 11.a edição, Almedina, 2013.

— Ricardo Marques Candeias, Sumários desenvolvidos de direito processual civil, ISCAC, 2013.

— João Correia; Paulo Pimenta; Sérgio Castanheira, Introdução ao Estudo e à Aplicação do código de Processo Civil de 2013, Almedina, 2013.

— Joel Timóteo Ramos Pereira, Prontuário de formulários e trâmites — Processo civil declarativo, Vol. I, 9.a edição, Quid Juris, 2011.

— José Timóteo Ramos Pereira, Prontuário de formulários e trâmites — Procedimentos e medidas cautelares (com incidentes conexos), Vol. I, 4.a edição, Quid Juris, 2011.

─ Jurisprudência: