Base Knowledge
It is recommended that students have already acquired anatomical and physiological knowledge about the functioning of the auditory system.
Teaching Methodologies
PL Classes in laboratory, where students are intended to acquire knowledge of the techniques and methodologies of testing taught.
Expository and practical classes (application of different knowledge among students).
Continuous assessment with the completion of exercise sheets;
Monitoring of knowledge acquired through practical classes;
Attendance to students in teachers’ offices.
Discussion, during the teaching of the classes, of the doubts presented during the PL and T/P classes.
Resolution of exercises during T/P classes and discussion of clinical cases.
Possibility of online classes up to 20%.
Learning Results
– Acquire the concepts necessary to understand the processing of auditory information.
– Identify the prevalence and incidence of hearing loss by understanding the impact of changes in the lives of individuals, differentiating by age.
– Identify the appropriate methods for the evaluation of the auditory system, according to the structures considering the functions and objectives of the evaluation.
– Identify and analyse the types and degrees of hearing loss, knowing the symbols, and methods of realization of the simple tonal audiogram (without masking).
– Interpret and perceive the clinical relevance of Impedance, understanding the role of the ear in the auditory process and its functions related to the processing of information.
– Identify high frequency ATS as a complement to the auditory information obtained by simple tonal audiogram and understanding its role in monitoring and early identification of cochlear alterations.
– Presentation. (2h)
– Prevalence and impact of Hearing Loss from birth to old age. (2h)
– Simple Tonal Audiometry: Notion of auditory threshold. (2h)
– Auditory system evaluation: Sound conduction pathways: Bony and aerial. Isolated acoustic environments. (2h)
– Audiometer types, components and transducers. (2h)
– Simple Tonal Audiometry: Auditory Threshold Calculation – Carhart-Jerger Techniques and ANSI guidelines 2004 and 2005. (2h)
Type and degree of hypoacusia – BIAP, 1997. (2h)
Otoscopy. (2h)
– Impedance: Imittance, Admittance and Acoustic Impedance Acoustics. (2h)
– Notion of Acoustic Reflexes. Tests of Tubal function. (2h)
– More likely alterations of acoustic reflexes for different types of pathology and degrees of hearing loss. (2h)
– High frequency audiometry. Non-organic hearing loss and testing strategies. Stenger test.(1h)
– Exposure to noise. Characterization and definition of noise types. Hearing loss due to noise exposure.(2h)
– Exercices. (2h)
– Evaluation. (3h)
PL classes: Aplication of the tecniques lectured in T/P. Practical classes: Students will be divided into groups.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main Bibliography:
Bess, Fred, H. Humes, Larry (2008). Audiology: the fundamentals (4a ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Gelfand, S. (2016). Essentials of Audiology (4rd Ed.). New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
Katz, J. (2014). Handbook of clinical audiology (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Kramer, S., & Brown, D. K. (2018). Audiology: Science to Practice, Third Edition. Plural Publishing, Incorporated.
Secondary bibliography:
Kramer, Steven; Guhrie, Lesli (2008). Audiology workbook. San Diego: Plural Publishing
Reis, J.L. (2002). Surdez, Diagnostico E Reabilitação. Lisboa: Servier.
Ruah, S.; Ruah, C.B. (1998). Manual De Otorrinolaringologia. Lisboa: Roche.
Valente, M.; Hosford-Dunn; H. e Roeser. R. (2007). Audiology – Diagnosis. (2ª Ed.) NY:Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
Yost, W. (2014). Fundamentals of Hearing: An Introduction. (5th ed.) Cambridge, Massachusetts:Academic Press, Elsevier, Inc.