Clinical-Laboratorial Immunohemotherapy I

Base Knowledge

Immunology, cellular biology, genetics

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes aim athe detailed presentation of the syllabus. In them an expositive-active methodology is used, in Portuguese or English, appealing to the direct intervention of the students, clearly favoring an abundant iconography to the detriment of merely theoretical-descriptive teaching. Practical classes will contribute to the resolution and discussion of practical problems, individual execution of techniques and group discussion of the results obtained.

Written support of the material taught in each class.

List of recommended bibliography for the subject at the beginning of the school year.

Learning Results

To know the different human blood groups and the different methods of erythrocyte grouping, research and
identification of alloantibodies, as well as procedures to be carried out with donations, separation of components
and the respective quality control of material, reagents and units to be transfused
-Understand the most common procedures for the theoretical and laboratory study of samples from patients with
autoimmune hemolytic anemia of various etiologies and polyglutination
-Understand the pathophysiology of Perinatal hemolytic disease
-Apply the global knowledge about groupings of samples in the most common classification systems,
research and identification of antibodies, compatibility tests, transfusion reactions and titrations of
antibodies as well as the study of hemolytic anemia.
-Execute, validate and interpret the laboratory results of the techniques and methods taught
-Determine knowledge in the field of Immunohematology, which qualifies them for clinical laboratory practice


1 – Know the different human blood groups and the various methods of erythrocyte grouping, research and identification of alloantibodies, as well as the procedures to be carried out with donations, separation of components and the respective quality control of material, reagents and units to be transfused

2 – Understand the most common procedures for the theoretical and laboratory study of samples from patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia of various etiologies and polyglutination

3 – Understand the pathophysiology of Perinatal hemolytic disease

4 – Apply the global knowledge about groupings of samples in the most common classification systems, research and identification of antibodies, compatibility tests, transfusion reactions and antibody titers as well as the study of hemolytic anemia.

5 – Execute, validate and interpret the laboratory results of the techniques and methods taught

6 – Retain knowledge in the field of Immunohematology, which qualifies them for clinical laboratory practice


1, 5, 6 – Human blood groups, agglutination reactions, blood classification methods; research and identification of alloantibodies with erythrocyte panels.

1 – The Human Leucocyte Antigen system and its importance in transplantation.

2, 4, 5, 6 – Pre-transfusion compatibility tests and transfusion reactions.

3 – Perinatal Hemolytic Disease.

2, 4 – Hemolytic disease due to hot, cold autoantibodies; Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria to Frigori and drug-induced hemolytic anemias.

2, 3, 4 – Eluations, polyglutination.

5 – Blood collection, transport and storage; separation and conservation of components; plasma derivatives.

1-6 Quality control in Immunohematology and the units to be transfused.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary references


1 -ROITT, Ivan ; BROSTOFF, Jonathan ; MALE, David – Imunologia. Sexta edição. Barueri, SP : Manole, 2003. xii, 481 p.. ISBN 978-85-204-1439-2.

2 – Mollison, P.L., Engelfreit, C.P., Contreras, M . Blood Trasnfusionj in Clinical M edicine; 11th Edition; Blackwell; 2005.

3 -Daniels,G. Blood Groups in man 2nd Edition ;Blackwell;2002.

4 – Brecher, M .E.:Technical M anual, 15th Edition, American Association of Blood Banks, 2005.

5 – Immunobiology of organ transplantation, David S. Wilker, Kluwer Academic 2004.


Secundary refrences

7. Girello,A.L.; Kuhn,T.I. Fundamentos da Imunohematologia Eritrocitária, SENAC,2002

8. Daniels G., Bromilow I. Essential guide to blood groups, Blackwell Publishing; 2007

9. Quinley E. Immunohematology Principles & Practice, Lippincott William &Wilkins, 201