Commercial and Industrial Property Law

Learning Results

Students must achieve facility on the study of Commercial Law


1.Evolution of Commercial Law
2. characteristics of Commercial Law
3.Authonomy of Commercial Law
4.Interpretation of art. 2 of Commercial Code
5Interpretation of Commercial Law
Part I Enterpriser
1.The statute of enterpriser
2. Kinds of enterprisers
3.The individual enterpriser
4. The society
Part II
The establishment
Part III
The commercial contracts

Curricular Unit Teachers




CORREIA, A. FERRER, Lições de Direito Comercial, vol. I, Coimbra, 1973.
CORREIA, Miguel PUPO, Direito Comercial, 10a Edição revista e actualizada, Lisboa, EDIFORUM, 2007.
BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ CANO, Alberto, Apuntes de Derecho Mercantil, Tercera Edición, Navarra, Aranzadi,