Communication and Interpersonal Relationships

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes; oral and written practical assignments.

Learning Results

1. To develop oral and written comprehension and expression skills

2. To understand procedures for the recording and processing of information obtained through printed and online material

3. To understand the role of communication as a quality instrument in the development of social skills of interpersonal relationships.


1. Oral and written comprehension and expression: Oral and written communication features: similarities and differences; The most common errors (spelling, concordance, regency and morphological and syntactic construction); Adjustment of discourse to the communication situations; Cohesion and textual coherence

2. Processing information obtained through printed and online materials: Abstracts and keywords; Scientific reports structure; Citations  and  references to the sources; Bibliographies according to national and international standards

3. Communication in interpersonal relationships: Requirements for effective communication: identifying obstacles to communication; basic principles of face-to-face communication; non-verbal communication; enhancing attitudes; Techniques of oral and written communication in the service to the public; Different styles of communication and interpersonal behaviors; Teamwork; Conflict management

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Apresentação oral - 40.0%
  • - Teste escrito - 60.0%
Continuous evaluation
  • - Report - 30.0%
  • - Oral presentation - 30.0%
  • - Written test - 40.0%




CUNHA, P. MOREIRA, M. SILVA, P. (2003). Estilos de gestão de conflitos: uma contribuição para a prática construtiva de resolução de conflitos. Recursos Humanos Magazine. novembro/dezembro, nº29, p. 42-52. ESTRELA, E.; SOARES, M.A.; LEITÃO, M.J. (2004). Saber escrever, saber falar. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote GIBBONS, B. (2007). Comunicar com êxito. Porto: Porto Editora GOMES, F.A. (2008). O acordo ortográfico. Porto: Porto Editora. INSTITUTO PORTUGUÊS DA QUALIDADE (2001).N P 405-1.1994, Informação e documentação -Referências bibliográficas: documentos impressos e NP 405-4.2002. Informação e documentação -Referências bibliográficas: documentos eletrónicos. KOCH, I.V. (2001). A coesão textual. 15th. São Paulo: Editora Contexto. KOCH, I.V. TRAVAGLIA, L. C. (2002). A coerência textual. São Paulo: Editora Contexto. PINTO, A (1991). A Dinâmica do Relacionamento Interpessoal. Lisboa: IEFP.