Base Knowledge
Knowledge of Portuguese at the level of the final year of secondary education.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching-learning process is based on a combination of activities using different types of methods appropriate to each type of content:
– A reflective approach that enables students to develop their knowledge of the specificity of oral and written registers.
– Practical exercises that contemplate the variation of texts and speeches and their adequacy to different situations of comprehension or production, for the mastery of the main techniques in those registers.
– Practices of writing technical documents.
– Oral practice.
– Preparation of work under guidance.
– Oral presentation and discussion of work done individually and/or in groups.
– Reading (or listening to) authentic documents on issues of today’s society, subsequent analysis and discussion, with textual production that demonstrates the ability of critical analysis, argumentation, and substantiation of opinions.
Learning Results
As a result of the teaching-learning process the student:
1. Develops various skills for a good academic and professional performance, particularly at the level of technical oral, written, and audio-visual communication.
– Recognises the importance of communication in the establishment of interpersonal and socio-professional relationships.
– Recognises and produces different text types appropriate to the communication situation.
– Collects and organises information in research work.
– Prepares technical and scientific reports, using the rules of structuring and data processing.
– Uses audio-visual media for oral presentations.
– Works in teams.
2. Develops intrapersonal skills of autonomy that contribute to an active learning leading to:
– Pursue lifelong learning.
– Exercise conscientious citizenship in a culturally diverse and environmentally responsible society.
– Use critical thinking to analyse issues, solve problems and make decisions.
1 Communication in interpersonal and socio-professional relations:
– Characteristics of oral and written expression
– The most common mistakes
– Phonic, lexical, syntactic, pragmatic and extralinguistic competences.
– Adequacy of speech to the communication situation
– Functions and registers of language
– Cohesion and coherence
– Active listening
– Summary and synthesis
– Teamwork in works and research projects
– Different text types and their correct use
– The technical-scientific report: structure; types of citations, bibliography, abstracts and keywords
2 The mastery of techniques of oral and written expression in personal and professional development:
– Reading, analysis and evaluation of documents on topics, facts, experiences of important and controversial content of current social issues
– Practising debate through the use of argumentative operators and lexical modifiers
– Producing summary or synthesis texts, applying the principles of critical and creative thinking
Curricular Unit Teachers
APA (2022). APA 7th Referencing Style Guide. Available at
Cunha, M. P. & Rego, A. (2006). Comunicar – Aprenda as Regras de Ouro das Apresentações em Público. Lisboa: D. Quixote.
Franco, A. R.; Almeida, L. S., & Saiz, C. (2014). Pensamiento crítico: Reflexión sobre su lugar en la enseñanza superior. Educatio Siglo XXI, 32(2), 81-96.
Gibbons, B. (2007). Comunicar Com Êxito. Porto: Porto Editora.
IPQ (2001, 2002). NP 405-1.1994 e NP 405-04.2002. Lisboa: IPQ.
Montolio, E. (Dir.) (2014). Manual de Escritura Académica y Profesional (vols I e II). Madrid: Ariel.
Sanches, T.; Lopes, C & Antunes, M. L. (2021). Potenciar a Literacia da Informação no Ensino Superior. O perfil do pensamento crítico.
International Congress on 21st Century Literacies, Portalegre.
Sousa, M. & Batista, C. (2011). Como fazer investigac?ão, dissertac?ões, teses e relatórios segundo Bolonha. Lisboa: Pactor Edições.
Textos coligidos pela docente sobre temas atuais.