Base Knowledge
The knowledge acquired in UC that precedes the current UC in the Study Plan is recommended.
Teaching Methodologies
The curricular unit will be developed according to a theoretical model with moments of structured exposure of the contents and respective analysis/discussion/debate, as well as interrogative/interactive methodology and demonstration/exemplification of the same through its practical application in everyday situations and using, whenever justify, videos, computer programs, professional instruments, as well as project development with mentoring. It also contemplates, and whenever the autonomous study is justified with research on the exposed contents and the reading and critical analysis of articles / texts.
Learning Results
1. Know the historical evolution of the concepts of health and public health and the interaction with nutrition;
2. Understand the organization of health services, and the role of the nutritionist and its importance in the field of public health;
3. Know the national health plan and respective programs, as well as the dietary and nutritional recommendations;
4. Know the main problems in the field of nutrition and public health and understand the possible intervention strategies;
5. Develop capacities and aptitudes to intervene at the population level, identifying and pointing out solutions for solving problems of nutrition and public health;
6. Acquire knowledge in the identification and intervention in nutritional / food problems in different population groups;
7. Develop skills in the design, implementation and evaluation of community nutrition programs.
Epidemiology and its evolution as a public health science;
Historical evolution of concepts and relationship with nutrition;
Disease prevention and health promotion;
Health determinants;
Public Health Indicators;
International health care charters;
Public and community health challenges in the national and international context;
Environmental factors that influence the intervention in Community Nutrition and Public Health;
Organization of health services;
Role of nutritionists in public health;
National health plan and respective programs;
Main public health problems related to nutrition;
Food and Nutrition Security in Public Health;
Methodologies and approaches for implementing Community Nutrition and Public Health education programs;
Planning, management and evaluation of Community Nutrition programs;
Examples of national and international Community Nutrition Programs
Curricular Unit Teachers
– Spark, A., Dinour, L. M., Obenchain, J. (2016). Nutrition in Public Health – Principles, Policies and Practice. CRC Press;
– Edeltein, S. (2011). Nutrition in Public Health – A Handbook for Developing Programs and Services. EUA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
-Boyle, M.A. (2006). Community nutrition in action: an entrepreneurial approach (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
Nnakwe, N.E. (2005). Community Nutrition: Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (1st ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
– Hughes, R., Margatts, B. M. (2011). Practical Public Health Nutrition. Wiley-Blackwell;
– Freitas, E.S. & Tuna, S.G. (2010). Hábitos Alimentares, Saúde e Bem-Estar: Abordagens Comunicacionais. Cadernos de estudos mediáticos 07. Porto, portugal: edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
-Moreira, P.K. (2007). Políticas de Saúde – Ensaios para um Debate Nacional (2ª ed.). Porto, Portugal: edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.