Community Psychology

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes take a dynamic character, incorporating: 1) knowledge and information lectures; 2) critical analysis, based on community intervention projects based on Music; 3) paper research; 4) debates.

For this course, the construction of knowledge focuses on the principles of participation and committed involvement during the construction of learning. Given these principles, the approach chosen implies the adoption of participatory and cooperative methodologies,  and reflective construction of knowledge, particularly in the tasks defined, implemented and shared. Students can choose either continuous assessment or final exam. Continuous assessment includes a reflexive portfolio with all the theoretical and practical work developed throughout the semester (50%) and a test (50%). Final exam is a written test (100%). 

Learning Results

1. To understand the influence of social, cultural and environmental factors on community’s psychological well-being.
2. To master concepts, values and theories of community psychology and understand the factors, mechanisms and structures that contribute to groups and communities cohesion.
3. To target reflexive interventions in the area of Music in order to promote personal, social and cultural development, taking into account the specificities of contexts and communities.


1. Community Psychology: definitions, goals.
2. Community Psychology: origins, evolution and principals:
2.1. Historical aspects and values;
2.2. Theoretical Models.
3. The relationship between Music and the community.
4. The arts and the Music as tools for community intervention:
4.1. The community-based Music as a tool for developing and strengthening sense of communityand social participation: concepts, relationships and experiences.
4.2. Community Music as an instrument of communities, groups and people empowerment: concepts, relationships and practices.
4.1. Community development, social and educational action and Music contributions: Education and prevention, empowerment, diversity, civic participation, mental health, social change, social support.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Portfolio - 50.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%




Christen, B. (2019). Community power and empowerment. Oxford University Press
Bartlett, B., & Higgins, L. (Eds.) (2018). The Oxford handbook of Community Music. Oxford University Press
Higgins, L. (2012). Community Music. In theory and in practice. Oxford University Press
Jeffers, A., & Moriarty, G. (2017). Culture, democracy and the right to make art: The British Community Arts Movement. Bloomsbury
Keys, C., Bond, M., & Serrano, I. (2017). APA handbook of Community Psychology (vol 1, 2). APA
Palmer, G., Rogers, T., Viola, J., & Engel, M. (Eds.) (2021). Case studies in Community Psychology practice. Rebus Pressbooks
Levine, M., Perkins, D., & Perkins, D. (2005). Principles of community psychology. Perspectives and applications. Oxford University Press
Ornelas, J. (2008). Psicologia Comunitária. Fim de Século