Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical and practical classes will be taught. The evaluation consists of preparation of commercial contracts outside the context of school, and later discussed with students, as well as to simulate a real situation arising from a general meeting in which students assume the role of company secretary.
Learning Results
Provide students with knowledge of corporate law, emphasizing the roles played by the company secretary and trade agreements and their application in the workplace. The student should understand, in practical application logical, the activity of the secretary of companies and to know the legal regime of the main commercial contracts.
– The General Assembly
– Deadlines and procedures to verify the Notices
– Checks the legitimacy of representation in capital (Corporations)
– Control of attendance
– Majorities required (simple and qualified) to discuss changes
– Attendance Control
– Drafting and signing of minutes
– Items for deposit
– Periodic Obligations of companies (competence of company secretary)
– Responsibilities of Company Secretary
1. General notions; 1.1 Commercial distribution contracts; 1.2 Agency contract; 1.3 Commercial concession contract; 1.4 Franchise contract; 1.5 Banking contracts; 1.6 Management contract; 1.7 Financing contracts; 1.8 Leasing contracts; 1.9 Factoring contract
Curricular Unit Teachers
António Pinto MONTEIRO, “Contratos de distribuição comercial”, 3ª reimpressão, Almedina, Coimbra, 2009.
António Pinto MONTEIRO, “Contrato de agência – Anotação”, 7ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2010.
António Pinto MONTEIRO, “Sobre as cartas de conforto na concessão de crédito, in, “Ab Vno ad Omnes, 75 anos da Coimbra Editora”, Coimbra, 1995.
António Pinto MONTEIRO/Carolina CUNHA, “Sobre o contrato de factoring”, in vol. comemorativo dos 75 anos do BFDUC, Coimbra, 2002.
M.J. Almeida COSTA/A. Pinto MONTEIRO, “Garantias bancárias. O Contrato de garantia à primeira solicitação, Tomo V, CJ, 1986.
Inocêncio Galvão TELLES, Manual dos Contratos em geral, Coimbra Editora,2002
Carlos Ferreira de ALMEIDA, Contratos I, Almedina, 2005
José Engrácia ANTUNES, Direito dos contratos Comerciais, Almedina,2009
António Menezes CORDEIRO, Direito Comercial, 3ª edição; Almedina, 20012