Base Knowledge
n. a.
Teaching Methodologies
In this curricular unit the following teaching methodologies are used:
1) Verbal Methodologies (say), making use of the pedagogical resources: Exhibition, Explanation and Dialogue;
2) Intuitive Methodologies (show), making use of pedagogical resources: Demonstration, Audiovisuals and Written Texts;
3) Active Methodologies (to do), making use of pedagogical resources: Group Work.
Learning Results
It is expected that at the end of the Curricular Unit, the student will be able to:
(1) Describe the importance and apply the concepts of the study of consumer behavior.
(2) Understand the main models of consumer behavior.
(3) Assess and interpret the psychological and sociological implications in the decision-making process.
1. Introduction to consumer behavior
1. Market research information
2. Differentiation of consumption, purchasing, and information gathering behaviors
3. The application of consumer behavior
2. Individual variables
1. The I
2. Perception
3. Memory and learning
4. Attitudes
3. Sociological and psychosociological variables
1. Opinion groups and leaders
2. The family
3. Social classes
4. Culture
4. The decision-making process
Curricular Unit Teachers
Camargo, P. (2009). Neuromarketing: descodificando a mente do consumidor. Edições IPAM.
Darley, W. K., Blankson, C., & Luethge, D. J. (2010). Toward an integrated framework for online consumer behavior and decision making process: A review. Psychology & Marketing, 27(2), 94–116.
Giglio, M. (2010). O comportamento do consumidor (3rd ed.). Thompson.
Lindstrom, M. (2012). Buyology: a ciência do neuromarketing (2nd ed.). Gestão Plus.
Loudon, L. (1993). Consumer Behaviour (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Meyer, E. (2014). The culture map. PublicAffairs.
Solomon, M. (2016). O comportamento do consumidor, comprando, possuindo e sendo (11st ed.). Bookman.