Base Knowledge
Information not defined.
Teaching Methodologies
The following teaching methodologies used:
1) Verbal methodologies (say), making use of pedagogical resources: Exhibition, Explanation and dialogue;
2) Intuitive Methodologies (show), making use of pedagogical resources: Demonstration, Audiovisuals and Written Texts;
3) Active Methodologies (to do), making use of pedagogical resources: Role-play and Group Work.
Learning Results
a) study of psychosociological problems in the occupational system;
b) create skills for intervention at the level of Human Resources Management;
c) leading managers to understand individual and collective behaviors in the context of organizations;
d) identify competencies required to lead people and groups;
e) develop leadership behaviors suited to different contexts;
f) develop students’ management skills, articulating human resource management with the organization’sglobal management;
g) promoting knowledge of organizational circumstances in times of accelerated change.
I – Organizational behavior
1. Organizational behavior and management
2. The individual and group behavior, identity and culture of organizations
3. Emotional Intelligence
4. Motivation and satisfaction
5. Leadership
6. Communication Skills
II – Human Resource Management
1. The Human Resource Management and HR Planning
2. Job description and Analysis
3. Recruitment & selection, onboarding
4. Training management
5. Performance Management and Human Potential
Curricular Unit Teachers
Armstrong, M. (2009). Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. (11th edition). London and Philadelphia, Kogan Page.
Caetano, A. & Vala, J. (2007). Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Contextos, Processos e Técnicas. Editora RH.
Cunha, M., Rego, A., Cunha, R., & Cardoso, C. (2019). Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. (8ª ed.). Editora RH.
Goleman, D. (2012). Trabalhar com Inteligência Emocional. Temas e Debates.
Neves, J., Caetano, A. & Ferreira, J. (2020). Psicossociologia das Organizações – Fundamentos e Aplicações. Edições Sílabo.
Sousa, M., Gomes, G., Sanches, P. & Duarte, T. (2006). Gestão de Recursos Humanos: Métodos e Práticas. Lidel.
Rodrigues, V., Câmara, P. & Guerra, P. (2013). Humanator XXI, Recursos Humanos e Sucesso Empresarial. D. Quixote.
Rego, A., Cunha, M., Marques, C., Gomes, J., Cabral-Cardoso, C. & Cunha, R. (2015). Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano. (3ª ed). Edições Sílabo.
Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational Behavior. (18th edition). Global Edition.