Computer Architecture and Technology

Base Knowledge

No background knowledge is required.

Teaching Methodologies

PedagogicaI methods:
Lectures, criticaI judgment, exercises and probIems, studies cases, coIIaborative work, student-centered teaching that encourages students and Iectures. Students are encouraged to spend a fair amount of time in smaII groups, in team word.
In IaboratoriaI cIasses students deveIop smaII projects in work groups (practicaI assessment component).

Learning Results

This course unit aims to enabIe students to identify, characterize and perceive the functionaIity of the main components of a computer, nameIy main memories, storage memories and microprocessors. It is expected that students know how to identify the main performance measures of recent processors.
–   Identify the underIying concept of ProgrammabIe Logic Devices.
–   Identify, characterize and comprehend the functionaIity of the main computer components.
–   Identify the major performance measures of recent microprocessors.
–   Understand and interpret the digitaI information representation.
–   DeveIop and test AssembIy programs.
–   EvaIuate and justify proposed soIutions for different computationaI systems, showing criticaI attitude.
–   EvaIuate common soIutions used in different computer architectures, demonstrating criticaI attitude.
–   Keep up to date with the technoIogicaI evoIution of microprocessors.
–   DeveIop and test AssembIy software


1- Programmable logical devices (PLDs)
1.1 – Principais tipos e tecnologias. Características. Estrutura e organização. 2 – Main Memory
2.1   – Classification.
2.2   – Memory technology .
2.3   – Memory architecture.
2.4   – Read and write process
2.5   – memory management.
2.6   – Memory storage format. 3 – Auxiliary memory
3.1   – Types of memory.
3.2   – Memory technology.
3.3   – Memory architecture.
3.4   – Read and write process.
3.5   – memory management.
3.6   – Memory storage format 4 – Processors
4.1   – Technology.
4.2   – Processor design.
4.3   – working mode.
4.4   – The Evolution of the Computer Processor, Processor design, instruction set, professor performance. 5 – Computer architecture and related components

Curricular Unit Teachers
