Computer Technologies

Base Knowledge

Sem pré-requisitos.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology will be based on the exposition of the main concepts, followed by practical classes. There will be contact with real hardware of embedded systems, where the student will install an operating system.
The evaluation will comprise two parts: a theoretical component consisting of written tests, and a practical component on embedded systems, resulting on a written report.

Learning Results

Acquire knowledge regarding the technologies used on the hardware of computer systems. Understand the operation of the binary system, the internal functioning of a processor, and the main structures of existing computer systems. Describe the manufacturing technologies of the main components of digital computers. Acquire knowledge on communications, data acquisition and computer control.


Numbering Systems. Different numbering bases. Arithmetic in different bases. Conversion between bases. Hexadecimal and numeric arithmetic. Special Conversion Cases.
Notions of digital electronics. Logical Ports. Combinational Logic. Flips-flops. Sequential Logic.
Computation Systems. Computation Systems Layers. Hardware and software abstraction. Evolution of computation.
Information Layer. Signal representation.
Hardware Layer. Von Neumann Architecture: “Fetch-Execute” cycle. Computer Components: Processor, Motherboard, Memory (RAM, ROM), Secondary storage (hard disk, laser discs). Non-Von Neumann architectures.
Programming layer.

Grading Methods

Avaliação Final
  • - Exame - 50.0%
  • - Relatório - 50.0%
Avaliação Periódica
  • - Teste Teórico 1 - 25.0%
  • - Teste Teórico 2 - 25.0%
  • - Relatório - 50.0%




A. Padilla, “Sistemas Digitais”, McGraw Hill, 2000

J. Brookshea, “Computer Science: An Overview”, 10th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2008

R. Monteiro et al., “Tecnologia dos Equipamentos Informáticos”, FCA, 2004

N. Dale, “Computer Science Illuminated”, Third Edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007