Contemporary Constitutional Law

Learning Results

The curricular unit aims at providing the students with a broad understanding of
the “occidental concept of Constitution” (Rogério Soares) and with the moments that
singularize the contemporary Portuguese Constitution (the 1976 Constitution).
Additionally, and considering the Students’ career prospects, the curricular unit
analyses four capital matters of Constitutional Law: principles, fundamental rights,
organization of political power and constitutional justice.
The Students will acquire competences that will make them able to discuss
theoretical questions, while they will develop an argumentative rhetoric that is
indispensable to the resolution of practical situations.


I: Constitution and constitutionalism
1. Constitutional movements
2. Constitution: concept and function
3. Constituent power
II: The Portuguese Constitution
A. Origins
1. The Constitution within the context of the Portuguese constitutionalism
2. Constitutional moments
B. Characteristics
1. Structure
2. Formal characteristics
3. Open constitutionalism
C. The evolution of the Constitution
1. Revisions of the Constitution
2. Guaranteeing and revision of the Constitution
III. Principles
1. Rule of law
2. Democracy
IV. Fundamental rights
1. Types
2. General legal system of fundamental rights
3. The specific system of civil rights
V. Organization of political power
1. Fundamental concepts
2. Separation of powers
3. The Portuguese form of government
VI: Review of constitutionality
1. Models of judicial control
2. The Portuguese system of constitutionality control

Curricular Unit Teachers




AMARAL, M. Lúcia, A Forma da República, 2005.
ANDRADE, J.C. Vieira de, Os Direitos Fundamentais na Constituição Portuguesa de 1976,
CANOTILHO, J.J. Gomes, Brancosos e Interconstitucionalidade, 20082.
__, Direito Constitucional e Teoria da Constituição, 20037.
CANOTILHO, J.J. Gomes/MOREIRA, Vital, Constituição da República Portuguesa Anotada,
vols. I e II, 2007 e 2010.
COSTA, J.M. Cardoso da, A Jurisdição Constitucional em Portugal, 20073.
MIRANDA, Jorge, Manual de Direito Constitucional, várias datas.
MIRANDA, Jorge/MEDEIROS, Rui, Constituição Portuguesa Anotada, tomos I, II e III,
20102, 2006 e 2007.
NOVAIS, Jorge Reis, Separação de Poderes e Limites da Competência Legislativa da
Assembleia da República, 1997.
__, Os Princípios Constitucionais Estruturantes da República Portuguesa, 2004.
SOARES, Rogério, «O Conceito Ocidental de Constituição”, in: Revista de Legislação e
de Jurisprudência, 1986, pp. 36 ss., 69 ss..
__,Direito Público e Sociedade Técnica, 2008.