Corporate Accounting

Base Knowledge

Accounting knowledge acquired in the 1st year.

Teaching Methodologies


Learning Results

The curricular unit “Accounting for Companies” aims to understand the main accounting and financial reporting aspects related to the operation of commercial companies.
The study to be developed is structured for the knowledge of the different accounting and financial reporting standards required both by the Accounting Standards System (SNC) and by the international accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB).
It begins with an analysis of the main components and constraints of equity capital. The main accounting standards relating to the assets and liabilities of the financial statements are analyzed below. It ends with the study of the objectives and main financial statements that make up a company’s financial reporting.


1. Companies and accounting standardization
2 Company creation
3. Changes to equity
3.1. Capital increase (NCRF 27)
3.2. Own Shares
3.3.Capital reinstatement
3.4. Capital reduction
3.5. Revaluation of tangible fixed assets.
4. Results
4.1. Application of results
4.2. Accounting Policies, Estimates and Errors (NCRF 4)
5. Passive elements
5.1. Provisions, contingent liabilities, and contingent assets (NCRF 21)
6. Active elements
6.1. Investment Properties (NCRF 21) 

6.2. Investments in associates and subsidiaries (NCRF 13 and NCRF 15)

7. Financial Reporting
7.1. Objectives and requirements
7.2. Cash flows (NCRF 2)
7.3. Statement of change in equity
7.4. Subsequent events (NCRF 24)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main Bibliography:

– Gomes, J.; Pires, J. (2015). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística – Teoria e Prática. Lisboa: Grupo Editorial
Vida Económica (5.ª edição).

– Rodrigues, J. (2021). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística: Explicado. Porto:
Porto Editora (8.ª edição).- Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC) aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei nº
98/2015, de 02 de junho e legislação complementar.- Normas Contabilísticas e de Relato Financeiro (NCRF),
– Código das Sociedades Comerciais, aprovado pelo DL n.º 262/86, de 02 de Setembro, na sua versão atual, disponível em

– Material provided by the Teachers.

Complementary Bibliography:

-Alfredson, Keith; Ken Leo, Ruth

Picker, Paul Pacter, Jennie Radford (2019): Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, 4th Edition
Wiley- Costa,

Carlos Baptista da Costa; ALVES, Gabriel Correia (2021). Contabilidade Financeira (10.ª Edição),
Rei dos Livros.-

Gomes, João e Jorge Pires (2011). Normalização Contabilística para Microentidades. Ed. Vida
Económica (2.ª Edição).-

Gonçalves da Silva, F. V. ; J. M. Esteves Pereira; Lúcia Lima Rodrigues (2008).
Contabilidade das Sociedades. (13.ª Edição), Lisboa: Plátano Editora.-

Kieso, Donald E., Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield (2019): Intermediate Accounting, 17th Edition, Wiley.