Corporate Finance I

Teaching Methodologies

Examine a series of real business case studies drawn from various industries which feature an array of
financial decisions. The learning experience is based on classroom discussion, group work, case studies and
lectures where you will learn to apply advanced corporate finance techniques to complex financial situations.
The students will be continuous assessment with three components:
1. Participation and attendance: 5%;
2. Group assignment: 35%;
3. Written test: 60%.
Students can also apply for a final exam (100% of the final grade) concerning all topics of syllabus.

Learning Results

O objectivo da disciplina é dar aos alunos a capacidade para aprofundarem conhecimentos teóricos actuais e
aplicarem técnicas de finanças empresariais a situações do mundo real. Os alunos ficarão aptos a tomar
decisões de financiamento, de investimento e de gestão de topo


Corporate Finance and financial manager´s role
Profitability and Cash / Liquidity issues
The fundamental documents: Balance sheet and income statement
Return on investment (Return on assets ; Return on equity; Return on capital)
Working Capital management
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Essential ratios
Financial Equilibrium
Capital Structure
CAPM, levered and unlevered beta
Different types of financing
Benefits and cost of debt
Opportunity cost of capital
The Modigliani and Miller irrelevance theorem
between investment and financial decisions
Agency and bankruptcy costs
Projected financial documents
Analysis of Risk
Economic risk vs financial risk
Scoring and rating
Credit scoringinsolvency
risk models
Business strategy, restructuring and value
Corporate Governance and Corporate Control

Curricular Unit Teachers




Z., Kane, A; Marcus A. (2012). Essentials of Investments, McGraw Hill, 9th Ed.
R. A.; Myers, S. C;Alen, F. (2011). Principles of corporate Finance, McGraw Hill, 10º ed.
G. and Viallet, C., 2011, Finance for Executives – Managing for Value Creation, South Western
Cengage Learning
A. G.; Barroso, C.; Soares, H. e Laureano, L. (2013). Introdução às Finanças ? Fundamentos de Finanças
com Casos Práticos Resolvidos e Propostos”, Ed Sílabo
J. C. (2012). Análise e Relato Financeiro5
ª Edição, Texto Editores.
C., Vieira, E., Neiva, J. e Fernandes C. (2014) – Análise Financeira. Teoria e Prática – Aplicação no
Âmbito do SNC; Ed. Sílabo
T. R., Henry, E., Pirie, W. L. and Broihahn, M. A., 2012, International Financial Statement
J.Wiley & Sons, Inc.
S., Westerfield R. and Jaffe, J. (2012). Corporate finance, 10th Ed. Hardcover.
E. (2014). Decisões de Financiamentoaspetos
práticos, Vida económica